Dec 9, 2010
A Perhaps Historic Meeting of Rotary Club of Eureka
Pledge and Invocation
Walt Shimasaki led the pledge of allegiance and none other than Father Doug Thompson gave the invocation. This was our first meeting in over five years at our old location, the Eureka Inn (redivivus—again, perhaps).
Guests of Rotarians
Too many to announce
Visiting Rotarians
John Moore, Eureka Southwest; Jim Seiler, Fortuna noon; Terri Clark, Arcata Sunrise; Bob Johnson, Arcata Sunrise; Teresa and John Porter, Garberville; Cindy Dembo, Eureka Southwest; Nancy Kaye, Eureka Southwest; Dick Wild, Arcata
Gary Barker stood tall (in spite of loosing an inch) and waxed eloquent about the mission of Rotary. He also spoke highly of the late Harvey Harper and told several stories about Harvey that revealed their rivalry and friendship in the auto business.
Susie Seely welcomed us back to the Eureka Inn and pointed out to Mr. Porter that there was not one light out in the overhanging chandelier. She estimated she has worked about 2400 hours for Eureka Rotary Club through the years.
Mike Bass, coach of the Eureka High Basketball (not football) team invited us to the Logger Classic to be held at Eureka High on December 16, 17, 18.
Pat Folkins introduced Chris Freeman as our newest Paul Harris Fellow, who was suitably recognized.
New Members
Mike Cunningham welcomed Anthony Antoville who moved to Humboldt County many years ago and built an alternative home that is powered solely by wind and solar. He now manages care for the elderly and is a third generation Rotarian.
Eric Bergel introduced Mandy Nash as our next new member. She is according to Eric, so talented, industrious and creative that she deserved to be introduced in colorful terms—which she was. Past President Don Leonard encouraged both new members to get a hold of a Rotary Club roster in order to get acquainted with our members and mission. Welcome, Anthony and Mandy.
After the two winners were drawn for twenty and ten dollars respectively, all were waiting on the edge of their seats for the basket drawing when Murl Harpham car-jacked the meeting, claiming that Greg Pierson should get the basket because Greg tore the tag off his chair at the Rotary Christmas party in full view of a peace officer. Greg denied the felonious deed and claimed he thought he had the winning ticket for the raffle strapped under his seat when he removed the tag oblivious to the penalty, or presence, of the law.
Past president and former District Governor Dave Dillon started by giving us a bit of club history. In 1922 the Eureka Inn was opened and Eureka was excited to have this new luxury hotel. Glyndon ("Sign") Smith provided entertainment for one of its opening events. Sign liked Eureka and moved here, later joining our club and continuing as a stellar member with sixty-nine years of perfect attendance. In 1923 the Rotary Club of Eureka was chartered, sponsored by the San Francisco Club. On October 23, 1923 Bru Brunier officially handed over our club charter. Our first club President was Ritchie Woods, a druggist (of the legal kind) who along with 20 others became members.
Next speaker was Bert Campton, who is a third generation Rotarian serving as club president in 2007-08; Bert read a list of charter members. Kim Bauriedel is also a third generation Rotarian and read further down the list of charter members.
Our club was the first on the North Coast and we were later instrumental in sponsoring Arcata, Fortuna, Crescent City and Southwest Rotary Clubs along with a few others. Kim reminded us of many major projects begun by our club in this area. For example, our club began Prairie Creek State Park with assistance from Paul Harris Fellowship funds.
Dick Nash was introduced next as the longest-ago living Rotary Club President, having served in 1961-62. He introduced his wife of 67 years, Jeanne to much applause. Dick joined our club in 1954 and says things have changed much in the past 56 years. For examples, there were no women in the club in those days, roads were smaller and attendance was emphasized strongly in those days.
Charlie Strope was president in 1968-69 when the idea was launched to start a new club in Eureka. It would be called Southwest club, because they were hoping to find members from the south and west of Eureka. The new club vote was close, but eventually the idea won a majority. Southwest club was slow in starting, with Ed Nilsen and later Bob Palmrose playing key roles in getting the Southwest Club off the ground. They started with about 15 members and grew slowly. According to Ed, they now have about 150 members.
Dave Dillon recounted many activities of our club including relationships with Australia and the strange case of the disappearance of the Australian lobsters.
In January 1962 Laurie Lazio joined our club. According to Laurie, in 1985 the Dow Jones was at about 700 and Wheel of Fortune was a popular show, so President Lazio made a wheel and spun it to determine fines, using some card tricks to get the right results. He welcomes the admission of women members today and gave the ladies credit for their many contributions to the club. Laurie recounted many famous speakers who were hosted by this club through the years including Ronald Reagan, Chuck Yeager and Governor John Connelly.
The next speaker was John Porter, a former Vice President and General Manager of the Eureka Inn, claiming his best move was to fire the chef and hire Susie Seely. He spoke fondly of the presence of our club at the Eureka Inn. Our Rotary Club wanted to recognize Mrs. Barnum for her many contributions to the community through the ownership of the Eureka Inn. The resolution begun by our club and in cooperation with the City proved to be very encouraging to Mrs. Barnum at a time when she needed the encouragement.
In 1987 we admitted our first female member (this reporter did not catch her name) and Pat Folkins recognized many of the female leaders of Rotary, some in attendance today.
Last person up front was Ted Mason, who was president in 1990-91; he came into the club in 1984 through the sponsorship of Dave Dillon and thanked Dave for the opportunity to join and serve.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Meeting of Rotary Club of Eureka
Pledge and Invocation
Dave Tyson led the pledge of allegiance and the invocation was given by Ryan Frey.
Guests of Rotarians
Anthony Antoville, Lynda Pozel and Jack Hopkins were guests of Mike Cunningham; CC Cree was guest of Gary Philp, Eric Bergel's daughter Reesa and business partner Mandy Nash who is with Sundance Painting.
Visiting Rotarians
Ron Ayers from Hamilton, Montana where he claims it is now 8 below zero.
Student Guests
Jasmine Phiengsai and Stephanie Lor of Deca Club were guests of Kathleen Cloney- Gardiner who reported on a conference they attended.
Gabriel Umidon our exchange student from Italy replete with colored hair and football helmet gave us a summary of the football season. In spite of the loss the Loggers posted in the playoffs last week, Gabriel said playing American football was an experience he will never forget. He also experienced his first Thanksgiving, and he is still raising money for his safari; forms are available on our tables at weekly meetings.
Greg Williston reminded us that the Blood Bank still needs a pint of blood from all of you and Craig Hansen will buy you a pint for each pint of blood donated (Greg indicated it will be a cold beer with a glass one can take home).
Diane Cipperly announced the 1923 committee meets December 15th during lunch at Woodley Island.
Our Rotary Christmas Party is Wednesday at 5:30pm at the Ingomar Club, and there may be a few tickets left according to Mike Cunningham.
Greg Gardiner reminded us that Toys for Tots program will help needy kids in our county. Toys will go out to 4,800 kids in many parts of the county. Middle school kids who are especially needy will get a chance to come to the Ingomar Club and choose some life goals. Please contact Greg if you can donate either money or a new toy to this worthy cause.
Ron Pierre said that Gary Philp received an award for helping the National Guardsmen serving their country. Gary got a Patriotic Employer and Seven Seal award. But with his name miss-spelled President Carlton gave Gary a pass and fined Ron $50 for misspelling his name (it was Sacramento's fault according to Ron Pierre).
Bruce Emad, Joe Mark and Dr. Bob Green were all on the front page of the Times-Standard for attending a fundraiser for Redwood Memorial Hospital. Bruce and Bob were charged $10 each, but Joe was cited for $50.
President Nielsen said that since drug dogs were coming in a few minutes, early leavers could go out the exit in the corner without fine. No one took him up on the offer.
Our speaker, Officer Katherine Howden, started in the jail (as an officer) in 1987 and wanting to work outside, she shifted to working with patrol dogs in 1997. As everyone knows, illegal drugs pose a huge challenge in our area. Officer Howden gave some reports on the actual numbers of drugs confiscated by Eureka Police Department (EPD). For example, Police in Chicago seized a pound and a half of Methamphetamine; EPD confiscated that much in one single case and many cases are processed each year here. According to officer Howden, fights and resisting arrest are on the increase due to rising meth usage. Heroin seizures also have been large of late, with much of it coming from south of the border. Narcotics dogs are trained to detect cocaine, methamphetamine, hallucinogens and marijuana. They also help in the apprehension of criminals. Hence the need is obvious to purchase another drug dog for the Eureka Police Department (EPD).
The cost of purchasing a narcotic dog is $2500 to $4500 and training another $7,000. EPD is raising the money with community help to purchase the dog, car, training and a year's worth of supplies. The total bill for the new narcotics dog is expected to be around $15,000. These dogs pay for themselves however, in drugs and cash from the apprehension of drug dealers, according to Officer Howden.
After the verbal presentation Officer Howden brought in Taba, a retired drug dog for EPD, and she ended up on the table searching for heroin (pretty spry for a retired canine). The new dog that will be taking Taba's place is a 16 month old black Labrador Retriever named Maggie.
Lynda Pozel and Jack Hopkins are raising money by selling calendars for the EPD to obtain a narcotics dog. One means of fund raising for this project is to purchase 2011 calendars at $20 each, or checks can be sent to Hopkins Fine Portraiture. Their web address is, and phone # is 443 3364.
Don't forget next week's meeting will be held at the Eureka Inn. Carlton says he has hired a few extra heaters, but bring a sweater and a muffler or two. President Carlton also promised some live music, and there will be a program led by Dave Dillon recounting the history of our club.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
Ron Pierre led the pledge of allegiance and Greg Williston the invocation after reading a lengthy list of modern day battles on and off the gridiron that have come to epitomize "Thanksgiving." Greg aptly reminded us that giving thanks to God is the true meaning of the holiday Americans will observe on Thursday.
Guest of Rotarians
Kim Bauriedel introduced Dale Stockley; Mike Cunningham introduced Anthony Antoville; Carol Rische's guest was Rose Gale-Zoellick & Gary Philp introduced CC Cree owner of the Irish Shop in Old Town.
Special Occasions
Don Leonard announced his birthday today, and reminded us of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy 47 years ago--also today.
Dan Price announced the return of Christmas to the Eureka Inn on Sunday November 28th. At 13:00 Sunday there will be a chance to hang some ornaments and hear a couple of choirs sing Christmas Carols. At 4:00pm the grand festivities begin with the Arcata Interfaith Gospel choir, and other choirs from Eureka High along with food and other fun.
The Rotary Christmas party is December 1st at the Ingomar Club and deadline is fast approaching. Contact Mike Cunningham.
Carol Rische announced the third small grant award of $1,000 to Rose Gale-Zoellick for the Humboldt Community Breast Health Project. It will likely go to a computer that will be networked for a good cause--quicker breast cancer diagnoses.
Kim Bauriedel introduced his good friend and newest member, Dale Stockley. Dale is an educator who recently retired. He is married and has two children and was a member (and Past President) of Rotary in Fortuna but lives in Eureka, and therefore is joining our club.
Hank Ingham introduced our truly newest Rotary member, Stacy Lane. Stacy is the Executive Director of the North Coast Schools Insurance Group and North Coast Schools Medical Insurance Group.
Rick Littlefield received the first recognition from our hooded Grim-Reaper-President. Rick and wife Betty took a recent trip to Spain to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary. Rick and Betty visited Malaga, Cordoba, Sevilla and The Straits of Gibraltar replete with monkeys. It cost him a $100 contribution on behalf of his wife's Paul Harris Fellowship.
Fred Griffith's daughter was awarded Sports Hall of Fame Honors at College of the Redwoods and quickly mentioned George Owren's daughter was inducted as well. George was fined $30 and Fred $50. The girls on the team were good friends and had 3.49 GPAs according to the proud fathers. Fred Whitmire was also included in the recognition for some reason that only Fred Griffith understands: but he paid Coach Whitmire's bill as well for a total of $100.
Dale Maples introduced Chuck Hubler who along with others made a trip to Haiti with Faith Center Foursquare Church in Eureka and their Pastor Matt Messner. Haiti is a stone’s throw away from the richest country in the world, and before the earthquake it was the third poorest country in the world. Chuck painted a brief sketch of Haiti’s history, which has intertwined with France, Germany and the US over the past three centuries—often with tragic results for the Haitian people.. Chuck and Dale showed us a video of the orphanage in Haiti. They arrived to find the cistern and entire orphanage in bad shape after the earthquake. They jumped in to help the orphanage with their plumbing and water supply as well as helping rebuild much of the ruins. None of the tasks were easy due to lack of supplies and infrastructure. Many of the buildings had little or no mortar, let alone rebar, thus making them vulnerable to the ravages of last year’s earthquake. The team from Faith Center gave testimonies about their intention to bring hope as well as help to the people of Haiti. They brought $50,000 to Haiti as cash in their pockets. The island looked like an Apocalypse had hit with people living literally in the streets of Port Au Prince. Chuck urged us not to send money to Haiti unless there is someone to accompany the gifts to make sure it ends up in the right hands. Another crew will be going back in the March of 2011 to finish the roof. Donations for the project can be sent to Faith Center.
The meeting was adjourned with a robust ring of the bell by President Nielsen, as if to say “Happy Thanksgiving.�
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Tom McMurray gave the invocation, inviting us to remember the miracle behind each of the holidays coming up. Many guests attended today. Student guests from Eureka High School included Ben Ross, Sophomore Class President and Regan Lima, golf and softball athlete. They presented plans for their two-week trip to Mexico.
An empty chair at the head table cost November Rotary birthday boys and girls $10.
Jon Bradley talked about the Backpacks for Kids program, appealing today for granola bars for the longer holiday weekend. The program now serves 310 children in 14 sites with meals.
Carol Reisch of the Small Grants Program Committee reported on first round of awards to Youth, Seniors Community Health, and Water Quality.
Humboldt Senior Resource Center representatives reminded us that seven years ago of our club’s contributed to the “No Senior Goes Hungry Project”, also helping them with their marketing strategy, all a great success. 60,000 meals were served to homebound seniors last year. This year’s contribution of $1500 goes toward a new freezer for the center. A second SG award goes to St Vincent DePaul received by our own Don Smullin. The grant goes toward seed money for a pilot program serving meals to a group of families only. The dining hall is hoping to see people attending who would not normally come to the center.
Dec 1 is the Rotary Christmas party, Mike Cunningham, with invitations in the mail and e-mail -- $50 each.
The club will meet at the Eureka Inn Dec 6, with past presidents invited and Gary Barker giving a memorial presentation for Harvey Harper.
Alicia Cox won he Telly Award, a national award for her TV commercial of our own Dale Warmath of Leons’ muffler. $50 to Alicia.
Chuck Edwards won a contract competing with four out –of- town bids for rights to sell cable tv ads on local transit buses – a Five year contract that is starting off with a $100 recognition.
Nancy Dean went to Annapolis for the Meteorological Society Conference, where she “tried to understand people with foreign accents and a lots of formulas.” At the home of the naval academy (used to lots of water), meetings were canceled because of an amount of rain that we are used to here in Humboldt County. Nancy also contributed the $1000 to make Rotaract past president, Klark DePew, a Paul Harris Fellow. Klark, also our exchange student to Germany a few years ago, just got married, and is now known as Klark Shaw.
Gregg Foster reported on the Toys for Tots project, which now serves 4800 kids in Humboldt and Trinity Counties.
Dave Dillon introduced the program, Past District Governor (1984-85), Larry Meyers, speaking about Polio Plus. Larry himself overcame polio as a child, a disease caused by a virus that can be transmitted by touch. Two drops of oral vaccine can now prevent the dreaded disease. With Rotary’s involvement since the 1980’s, tens-of-thousands of polio cases have now been reduced to 753 in the world for 2010. When Larry was six in 1945, a polio epidemic spread across the US after WWII. He woke up one morning and could not move his head. The doctor came to the house, and an ambulance took him to the hospital where he was placed in isolation for five weeks at LA General Hospital before seeing his parents again. He was the youngest of thirty other boys in the ward. Nurses with heavy rubber gloves wrapped him with steamed-towels and army blankets eight times a day, an accepted treatment then, using hot moisture with stretching and massage to overcome the symptoms of polio.
Larry went from a bed to a wheel chair, still with very little use of the left side of his body. He recounted hearing an odd noise from a hospital room, so he turned his wheel chair into the room, where he saw for the first time the “iron lungs” that helped polio victims breathe. This was another type of Polio that Larry did not have.
Years later he worked with administration of the original Sabin vaccine. It was first administered as drops on sugar cubes because of its bitter taste. He was even able to give the vaccine to his own children, two and four years old then. He knew that they would never have to experience the ravages of polio. Our Rotary contributions mean that children around the world will never be paralyzed by polio.
To help end polio, Bill and Linda Gates donated $200 million through the Gates Foundation– the largest contribution given to any service organization. Recently that amount was increased to $355 million as part of a matching donation gift.
Nigeria reduced the country’s polio count to 10 cases this year, but trans-border infections are still common from countries that have still not been immunized. Genetic testing is able to show where the polio virus originated, which leads to immunization of selected areas. Outbreaks can now be controlled and stopped. Larry concluded, “We will be successful and end polio in the world.”
Submitted by Gary Todoroff
Meeting of Rotary Club of Eureka
The meeting was called to order by club President Carlton Nielsen. Jill MacDonald gave the salute to the flag and Greg Pierson led the invocation, reminding us to keep Mike Moreland, Harvey Harper and Dick Nash in our prayers.
Our new exchange student Gabriel Umidon from Milan, Italy is home sick after playing in the mud bowl in Fortuna.
Guests of Rotarians
Stacy Lane was a guest of Hank Ingham.
Greg Haulk 1st; Al Crnich 2nd, Ray Wickel 7th; Sally Arnot 8th.
Nancy and William Dean 1st; Hank and Cathy Pierson 1st; Bruce and Faye Emad 9th; Ray and Pauline Wickel 9th.
December 1st is our Rotary Christmas Party at the Ingomar Club. Mike Cunningham assured us that we will have food and entertainment but was a bit thin in specifics at this point.
Youth Services Bureau will have a fundraiser December 3rd
Jim Hoff was recognized, having denied he was in Greece, he eventually admitted he was on an Island off the coast of Turkey, partly because President Carlton Nielsen had a big picture of Jim lounging in a hammock on the Mediterranean. (President Nielsen would not divulge his source, but it might have come from Greg Pierson.) Greg was implicated, most likely because he sat at the same table as Jim; that will be $135, Jim.
Pat Folkins said November is Foundation Month, and he encouraged all who are and not to become Paul Harris Fellows. He then confessed to attending six Giants game this season, and admitted his daughter passed the Nevada bar exam on her first attempt. No fine that I recall.
Jay Bahner also put a few words about being a Giants fan, and rounded out his coaster at $135 and somehow Brian Papstein got mixed up in the baseball fray, and got fined $10; Pat got away for $65.
Diane Cipperley stood and told about her trip to Oregon, Washington, Glacier National Park and fly-fishing on the Missouri River, catching too many fish to count. So, she maxed out at $135 as well.
Chris Freeman introduced our guest speaker Neal Ewald of Green Diamond Timber (formerly Simpson Timber). His topic was ‘Peace in the Timber Country: Sustainable forests in a perpetual business. Formerly logging was done with lots of clear cutting and wide roads that were used all year round. The spotted owl being listed on the endangered species list did not help the timber industry a few decades ago; but it turns out the owls could thrive in land that had been logged. Fish too were counted in the logged areas and according to Neal, rivaled the populations in Redwood National Park. From their research came the Habitat Restoration Plan for the spotted owl and other species. Green Diamond now has 49 persons working on the Conservation Planning Department in 2010. Practices have changed in recent years: e.g. leaving trees behind in areas where there are streams, using more advanced equipment to harvest and building smaller, better roads into logging areas with the result that the water is clean and cold.
He then fielded questions from the floor. First question: is there anything being done to modify the genetic code of redwoods?
Neal: “No.â€
Are there Mexican Cartels growing on your property? Yes, said Neal. The Mexican Cartels are raising marijuana on their property, and create a danger to those who cross their grows inadvertently (and perhaps intentionally). Green Diamond is meeting other environmental challenges with alacrity.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price
Nov 1, 2010
Burl 10/25/2010 Today’s meal was Pita bread with pork or beef slices and a cucumber yogurt sauce, choice of two salads, couscous or feta, and brownies. In the top five in the forgettable column, and isn’t annoying when you pay $17 for your meal and then have to construct your own sandwich one handed while you are in line? May have to go with the brown bag and $7 cup of Joe. Richard Whittaker gave the invocation. Steve Justus announced the slate of officers to be voted on for service during Greg Pierson’s presidential year. Nancy Dean will be VP, Dan Heinen secretary, and John Fullerton treasurer. If you want to nominate someone else, you need to get a petition with 30 signatures. Carly Robbins, member of Eureka Rotaract announced a fundraiser Saturday 10/30. It’s a murder mystery/dinner at the Morris Graves museum. The Rotary Christmas party at the Ingomar will be on 12/1. We will meet at the Eureka Inn on 12/6. Carlton then donned a football helmet and began “recognizing”. Ken Stodder was fined $60 for his grandson, a football star who ran 82 yards for a touchdown, then kicked off and recovered his own onside kick. Carol Rische went on a Mediterranean cruise that cost her $75. John Harper announced the birth of his second daughter. Dale Warmuth went to Las Vegas $75. Gary Todoroff had his first grandchild $100. Our exchange student, Gabriel was scheduled to give the day’s program, but he called in with “the plague” so David Hull of the Harbor District stepped in to fill his Gucci’s. He talked of “life after the pulp mill closure”. There are some opportunities for the Harbor. Exporting wood chips will be resumed by California Redwood Co. He hoped to fill 8 or 9 ships a year with logs for the Asian market. It is also possible that lumber will be exported. Other projects include barge service to Oakland to get trucks off the highways and reduce pollution, cruise ships, and completion of the Marine terminal, which needs an infusion of 1.8 million dollars. David also talked about setting up a “water trail” for kayaks in the bay, with buoys and channel markers, which would increase recreational opportunities. Next week’s program is Green Diamond Timber. Carlton ended the meeting by asking if the assemblage knew anyone in the following unfilled categories who would make a good Rotarian: Inquisitor, Harpoon Management, Flagellant, Tooth Fairy, and Antidisestablishmentarian. Submitted by Hank Ingham
Today’s meal was Pita bread with pork or beef slices and a cucumber yogurt sauce, choice of two salads, couscous or feta, and brownies. In the top five in the forgettable column, and isn’t annoying when you pay $17 for your meal and then have to construct your own sandwich one handed while you are in line? May have to go with the brown bag and $7 cup of Joe.
Richard Whittaker gave the invocation. Steve Justus announced the slate of officers to be voted on for service during Greg Pierson’s presidential year. Nancy Dean will be VP, Dan Heinen secretary, and John Fullerton treasurer. If you want to nominate someone else, you need to get a petition with 30 signatures. Carly Robbins, member of Eureka Rotaract announced a fundraiser Saturday 10/30. It’s a murder mystery/dinner at the Morris Graves museum. The Rotary Christmas party at the Ingomar will be on 12/1. We will meet at the Eureka Inn on 12/6. Carlton then donned a football helmet and began “recognizing”. Ken Stodder was fined $60 for his grandson, a football star who ran 82 yards for a touchdown, then kicked off and recovered his own onside kick. Carol Rische went on a Mediterranean cruise that cost her $75. John Harper announced the birth of his second daughter. Dale Warmuth went to Las Vegas $75. Gary Todoroff had his first grandchild $100. Our exchange student, Gabriel was scheduled to give the day’s program, but he called in with “the plague” so David Hull of the Harbor District stepped in to fill his Gucci’s. He talked of “life after the pulp mill closure”. There are some opportunities for the Harbor. Exporting wood chips will be resumed by California Redwood Co. He hoped to fill 8 or 9 ships a year with logs for the Asian market. It is also possible that lumber will be exported. Other projects include barge service to Oakland to get trucks off the highways and reduce pollution, cruise ships, and completion of the Marine terminal, which needs an infusion of 1.8 million dollars. David also talked about setting up a “water trail” for kayaks in the bay, with buoys and channel markers, which would increase recreational opportunities. Next week’s program is Green Diamond Timber. Carlton ended the meeting by asking if the assemblage knew anyone in the following unfilled categories who would make a good Rotarian: Inquisitor, Harpoon Management, Flagellant, Tooth Fairy, and Antidisestablishmentarian.
Submitted by Hank Ingham

Oct 25, 2010
Menu – Salad with mixed greens, saffron rice , chicken parts, and overcooked broccoli and baby carrot medley. A serving of chocolate cake made it all better. Fred Whitmire gave the invocation. Mike Moreland is getting better and speaks more clearly. Mike Brandi has pneumonia. Rotarian from another club John Koopman passed away. Our foreign exchange student Gabriel, who is presently staying with Carlton, auctioned off two catered (by him) Italian dinners for four. They went for about 400 a dinner to eager bidders. Glenn Goldann was one of the winners. Sean Mclaughlin of Access Humboldt announced an upcoming fundraiser dinner featuring awards to three Rotarians in our club Roy Frostenson, David Tyson, and Peter Pennicamp. It’s Saturday. On December 1st we will have the Christmas party at the Ingomar. On December 6 we meet at the Eureka Inn, where we will pose for the traditional group photo. Gregg Gardiner told us of Bill Gates Polio Challenge, and how you can register on line and Bill will match your donation. President Carlton will generate an email blast that no one will actually get. In it will be a link. David Hull got his Blue Badge. Then John McBeth came to the podium with new member Chuck Ellsworth. Chuck is the owner of Allpoints signs. He had shaved off all his hair, having confused his rotary initiation with the one in David Carradine’s old kung fu TV show. In lieu of rice paper, he was made to walk barefoot down the head table while Kim Bauriedel showed the whites of his eyes and called Chuck “grasshopper” It was the best introduction of a new member in some time. The drawing was held and the two winners, Don Leonard and Jim Davis, claimed that it was the first time they won since the club moved from the Eureka Inn in 2005. At least 10 back then would have bought more than half a lunch. Bird Loctie then announced the last of the league of Women Voters debates, Wilson vs Rodoni for Assessor, Gallegos vs Jackson for D.A.
Mari Wilson has been assistant assessor for the last 7 years. Rodoni has been a supervisor and runs a ranch. Both agreed that a salary of 107,000 a year was a nice thing.
Then Jackson and Gallegos squared off. Jackson took issue with the number of plea bargains issued, and Gallegos said you can only try so many people. Then they were asked to say something nice about each other. Gallegos out-niced Jackson by about 30 seconds. At that point everyone had had enough. Meeting adjourned.
Oct 11, 2010
Food: Pulled Pork Sandwich, potato salad, coleslaw, and cookies.
Long time member Glenn Goldan lead the pledge. Bill McAuley provided the invocation, and asked everyone to keep the SF 49ers in their thoughts, although, he added, it might be that no amount of spirituality would help their season. Dick Nash is out of the hospital and Mike Moreland continues to inch towards recovery at home. Pat Folkins reminded everyone that November is Foundation month, and the Foundation dinner will be held on Nov. 13th at the Ingomar club. $50 a person. Don Leonard announced that the deadline for Sign Smith grant applications has been extended to next Tuesday. John Bradley and David Reynosa came up to tell us about the success of Backpacks for Kids. It now serves 232 kids every week during the school year. John said that, of the 10,000 kids in our county over half qualify for Free or reduced cost school luncheons due to low family incomes. The purpose of the backpack program is to provide food for the weekends. He encouraged donations and volunteers, and mentioned that even the Rotary Club of Siberia had sent a $1,000 donation. Then President Carlton Nielsen called for the drawing, and Tim Gallagher and John Burger won. John gave his winnings to our exchange student Gabriel. Then it was time for the League of Women Voters debate between the Eureka City Council Candidates. This is what we learned. Ron Kuhnel has 50 years of experience, 8 years as planning commissioner. Larry Glass says he is hard working and accessible, and always returns phone calls. Xandra Mann has a nose stud, and speaks so softly that no one can hear her. She’d like more voter participation. Michael Newman is an insurance broker, and would like to use the homeless to clean the streets. Marian Brady was a graphic designer for Holly Yashi and wants use her creativity to help stimulate the economy. Questions included ones about the Jefferson School Sale and Measure N. The League did a very good job of holding up the red card that said “STOP” Carlton rang the bell, and everyone exploded into the sunshine.
Soporifically submitted by
Hank Ingham
Peter Pennicamp lead the pledge, during one of his rare visits to Rotary. Bruce Rupp followed with the invocation, noting that member Dick Nash was in the hospital and that Mike Moreland has returned home. He is still affected by his stroke, but is coping. City council hopefuls Mike Newman and Marian Brady were introduced as guests. Gregg Gardiner stood up to announce that he had heard Mike answer a trivia question on 95.5. Somehow Dennis Hunter, who brought Mike, ended up with a 10 dollar fine. President Carlton noted that we will have a meeting at the Eureka Inn sometime in December. It will be catered, but still exciting. Then we had a special presentation from Megan, who at age 50 had quit her job and moved to Uganda to start a vocational school. She was a survivor of child pornography and prostitution and wanted to do something meaningful with her life. Her school is called the African Hospitality Institute. She is hoping for a grant. Don Smullin came up to do his craft talk. He has a new job as Executive Director of St. Vincent de Paul in Eureka. They are celebrating their 350th anniversary. St. Vincent was kidnapped by Turkish pirates who enslaved him. How he got away and made it to Eureka was not explained. PP Steve Justus and sponsor John Mcbeth introduced our newest member, Dale Warmuth –son of Leon and manager of Leon’s Car Care. Carlton then donned a hat that resembled an ear of corn and recognized Peter Pennicamp for a honeymoon in Northern Minnesota and a grandchild. Fast work, Peter. He also saw a large moose. Joe Mark volunteered that he was now “Grandpa Joe” and forked over $150 . Then came the drawing. The winners donated their money to the vocational school. The program was scheduled as a debate between Wes Chesbro State Assemblyman, and Karen Brooks, his challenger. Wes declined, so it was just Karen.
She has raised more than $70,000 with no help from the Republican Party, and is going door to door in Ukiah to make her views known. Her husband wasn’t initially thrilled about her candidacy, but now supports her. She’s running as a “citizen candidate”. She’s against the Marine Protection Act because ‘for heaven’s sake they’re marines! Shouldn’t they be able to protect themselves?’ For more information visit her website Note to readers: some quotes may not be entirely accurate.
Submitted by Hank Ingham
Sep 28, 2010
Dave Dillon was asked to lead the pledge. Luckily he remembered the words. Greg Pierson did the invocation, mentioning that Mike Moreland was still recovering and that our prayers should be with him.
Visiting Rotarians included Henri Lacont member of the Bora Bora Rotary Club which meets Thursdays at 7 pm at the Sofitel Resort. He didn’t recall having seen a member of our club who had recently visited the island. Guests of Rotarians included various politicians whose names we can’t mention due to FCC Regulations.
Several Eureka High school cheerleaders stepped up to promote EHS Homecoming weekend, which is 10/5-10/10. They had logger cards to sell. President Carlton then reminded us of the Foundation Dinner to be held November 13 at the Ingomar Club. Money from the tickets may go towards your Paul Harris Fellowship. Or not.
Carlton then put on this week’s “recognition hat” which was a pith helmet with “National Geographic” stenciled on it. He called on Larona Farnum, who had done something tropical, and fined her for it. He then asked Fred Griffith to stand up, and fined him $30 “just for being Fred.” Soon it was time for the drawing.
Our program for the day was William Dexter Carter of the World Leadership Institute. His job was to sort through various articles and blogs and separate the true from the fictitious. He noted that many blogs , while purporting to comment on actual events, were often created without any knowledge of those events by people who weren’t anywhere near the actions in question. “You can never tell when a blog may be a complete fiction”” he said. He then admitted that in fact, “the burl blog that you are reading about me in was created by someone who was 2500 miles away and had made the whole thing up!” He then revealed that he himself didn’t exist.
President Carlton then decided to forego the customary picture and book signing, and scratching his head, rang the bell to end the meeting. To make this even more preposterous, he let us go early.
Gleefully submitted by Hank Ingham
Sep 19, 2010
(No meeting on September 6)
Lunch: Pork Chow Mein, Teriyaki Beef, Lacy’s Cookies
President Carlton Nielsen called the meeting to order. Chris Freeman led the pledge and Dan Heinen led prayer, with a remembrance of 9-11.
Past President Mike Moreland called President Nielsen and is doing better. He hopes to attend a meeting in 2 or 3 months.
Visiting Rotarians were Johanna Rodoni and John Bellam.
Guests included Chuck Ellsworth, Dale Warmuth, Dale Stockley, and Mike Jones.
Rotoract Members including Past President Clark DePew and Crescent City President Kyle Claussen attended.
Student Guests were Corrine Keaner and AnnaLisa Smullin. They introduced the “Take Another Look” historical calendar they are working on and discussed Homecoming, including the bonfire and the impending demolition of Fortuna High in the big game.
Exchange student Gabriel was in attendance, all the way from Milan, Italy.
Birthdays went far too fast to write down, but they are in the book. An empty seat was left at the head table, but the fine has been reduced to $5. Anniversaries went far too fast to write down. Mercifully, they are also in the book.
Sally Arnot discussed Morris Graves Museum events, including holiday ornaments to support the Arts Council.
Pat Folkins discussed the Rotary Foundation, and in a long-running theme, suggested that another past president be fined.
Voting for the Board of Directors was conducted.
Today’s Presidential Hat: St. Bernard’s baseball cap
In a long-running theme, Ken Stoddard was fined for his ridiculously talented grandchild, this time his grandson.
SHOCKER! Presidential Hat switch: Pith Helmet
Larona Farnum’s youngest daughter was married at the Ingomar, and Larona babysat a 20-month-old for 10 days.
In a long-running theme, Mike Martin was in England for 25 days, and found a huge amount of treasure while wandering through other people’s private property.
George Orwen’s son-in-law coaches Eureka High’s dominant football team.
75-0?! 53-0?! Really?
In a long-running theme, Pat Folkins suggested George Orwen be fined more. In a twist, Pat was fined himself.
Kathy Cloney-Gardiner is now Principal at Washington Elementary. Superintendent Haulk managed to get himself fined as well.
--Gambling Interlude—
($10 DC, $10 NC)
Past President Tom Schallert introduced Larry Frederick.
Larry is a veteran, retired police officer, accident survivor, and in 1996 bike rider across America. Larry rides for “Life Across America,” a blood donation organization that raised 75,000 units of blood then.
Larry is just completing that ride again in 2010, raising $110,000 after 4 months on the road, for the Foundation for America’s Blood Centers.
He rode a total of 3,847 miles, the first time in 1996 with his son, and in 2010 with his daughter.
Larry encourages everyone to give blood, saying, “Giving blood is the one gift that truly comes from the heart.”
Larry got his commemorative photo, signed his library book, and the meeting ended 10 minutes early.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Harper
Aug 30, 2010

Aug 23, 2010
August 23, 2010
The meeting was called to order by club President Carlton Nielsen. Susie Smelser gave the pledge and Ron Pierre led the invocation after he said Mike Moreland was recovering and reminded us to continue prayers for Mike.
Our new exchange student Gabriel Umidon from Milan, Italy attended his second Eureka Rotary meeting, and Eric Bergel introduced Charlotte Plancquaert our former exchange student from France.
Visiting Rotarians

John Bartholomew introduced Cindy Denbo, Heidi Benzonelli, and John Dalby, all of the Southwest Rotary Club of Eureka.
Guests of Rotarians
Kim Bauriedel had his wife Sile at his side. Virginia Bass introduced her son, Jason Wattle, a “Major” in United States Marine Corp. (well he’s actually a Sergeant, but Mom gave him a promotion). Jason took a few minutes to tell us about his deployments, but asked this reporter to say nothing about his particular assignments. He was welcomed warmly and received a standing ovation for his service to our country.
Greg Williston brought Arnie Henskovic and John Macbeth’s guest was Dale Marmouth.
(There were a few others and I apologize for missing the names. DJP)
Tom McMurray introduced Gideon Lustig, Israeli Consul General to the Pacific Northwest.
Prior to serving as a diplomat, Mr. Lustig served as an officer in the Israeli defense forces, rising to the rank of major. He was his wife to be’s commanding officer at the time, and they get along better now. Gideon articulated the Israeli position regarding relations between Israel and its neighbors. He approves the prospect of peace talks soon to begin. What took so long? Palestinians refused to talk unless Israel promised to stop building on the West Bank. This was not an easy request for Israel, but recently, the Israeli government promised an eight-month moratorium on building in the West Bank. Palestine also wanted Israel to stop building in Jerusalem. Israel said, “No” to this request. But outside pressures have led to the table. Both sides are very skeptical that the talks will be productive, perhaps because of the leadership of Presidents Netanyahu of Israel and Abbas of Palestine. There is distrust on both sides.
Israel is small, easily fitting within California between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It is a narrow-wasted land from east to West, sandwiched between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. Since its founding in 1947 Israel is composed of many Jewish refugees mostly from Europe, but also from neighboring Arab countries.
In the 1967 War Israel conquered both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank: respectively belonging to Egypt and Jordan. When those territories were conquered none of the Arab countries would grant them citizenship except Jordan and Israel. Israel wants recognition as a Jewish Homeland and shuns the idea of allowing the West Bank to become a second Palestinian country next to Jordan.
Gaza was given to the Palestinian Authority in 2005 but neither the Palestinian Authority, nor the Hamas government has treated the Palestinians well. Mr. Lustig reminded us that since the Gaza Strip was given back to Palestinians in 2005 over 10,000 missiles have been launched into Israel from Gaza.
Mr. Lustig says Iran desires to be the hegemonic country of the Middle East, having stated its intention to wipe Israel off the map. Iran hopes to extend its influence through its military and the acquisition of a nuclear weapon. Iran poses a threat not only to Israel but also to other countries within the Middle East. Therefore a nuclear threat issuing from Iran would make many of the neighboring Arab countries feel threatened because they are Sunni rather than Shiite. Hezbollah’s presence in Lebanon also poses a threat to Israel and peace in the Middle East.
Mr. Lustig concluded with two points:
1. There is a bigger picture than just Israel. The radical camp of Islam is headed by Iran and Syria and the more moderate camp centers around Egypt and Saudi Arabia. These factions will likely be fighting for control of the Middle East for a long time.
2. Israel must side with the moderate Islamic nations and seek peace.
During the question and answer time Gideon said that over 100,000 Israelis have died in their various wars since being founded in 1948 and he hopes for a day when Israel will not have to have an army.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price
Photography: Ron Schoenherr
Aug 18, 2010
August 16, 2010
The meeting was called to order by club President Carlton Nielsen. Jamie Carroll gave the pledge by way of singing our national anthem; Ryan Fray reminded us to pray for Mike Moreland and Don Brown and did so as we were convened.
Guests of Rotarians
Dave Dillon brought his wife Carol, daughter Cynthia and granddaughter Samantha Hovis.
Our new exchange student Gabriele Umidon from Milan, Italy attended his first Eureka Rotary meeting. Benvenuto, Gabriele.
The 1923 Committee meets for dinner at the Lost Coast Brewery this Wednesday at 5:30.
August 23rd our program will be from Gideon Lustig, Israeli Consul to the US.
Don Smullin received his blue and Susie Smelser her red badge: both were pinned by our District Governor, Jim Flamson. Susie was given a Rotary pin to wear on her scouting uniform, and in return offered us free Boy Scout calendars.
Special Presentation to Dave Dillon
John Winzler recalls Dave being a banker for over 40 years before he retired. Dave moved from Washington to San Francisco to Eureka, arriving in Humboldt County “of his own choice.” Dave and his bank loans got John and his business through many a scrape over the years. Others who have run businesses in Humboldt could testify to the same. Dave joined Rotary in 1957 and our Eureka club in 1963. Dave served as our club president in 1997-98. He established the Wolford Scholarship that continues to this day, helped us clean up our bookkeeping, got a number of service projects going and later served as secretary for two years. He even used mimeograph machine to publish the Burl at one time.
Bill McAuley recounted Dave’s contributions as District Governor. We all know Dave is extremely organized and very detail oriented, yet Bill commended Dave for also staying focused on the “big picture.” Bill noted Dave’s many contributions initiating and promoting the student exchange programs. It is no exaggeration to say that Dave is the “Father of the youth exchange” in our club and district, a program that by now has seen over 300 inbound and outbound students. Dave embodies the Rotary ideal of "service above self."
District Governor Jim Flamson pinned Dave’s lapel with a stone that means Dave has now earned his original Paul Harris Fellowship plus seven more. This Paul Harris award was given to his granddaughter Samantha Hovis, whose accomplishments in school, international travel and music are very impressive—the grand-apples don’t fall far from the tree.
Steve Justus introduced our District Governor (DG) Jim Flamson and his wife Kathy. Kathy is a past president of the Rotary Club of Calistoga. Jim and Kathy have both been very involved not only in Rotary, but also in Boy Scouts of America, receiving the Cliff Dochterman award for their service. They have traveled extensively on behalf of Rotary. Jim mentioned that the theme for 2010-2011 is ‘generators’ seeking to find and recognize those who generate action and service within Rotary. Eric Bergel was awarded an honorary ‘generator’ pin for our club.
Years ago Jim became very involved in the Rotary club of Calistoga and his community as well. After a twelve year absence, Jim returned to Rotary upon the invitation of a Rotarian friend. He reminded us that there could well be some in our community who simply need to be invited back. Jim’s current goal is to see Rotary become: Bigger, Better and Bolder.
Goal #1 ‘Bigger.’ This means more members in Rotary. Goal #2 ‘Better,’ means more involved in the community toward the betterment of people’s lives. When you ask a Rotarian to do something they typically help, and then say, “What else can I do?” Goal #3 ‘Bolder’ means we should be willing to tackle some big issues. For example, solving global warming. The GreenPlus program is an attempt to do just that. The five-fold mandates of the program are as following. #1 Every member of Rotary Club will walk, cycle, carpool, or take public transportation to 5 meetings per year. #2 Every Rotary member will plant 5 trees per year. #3 Each member will plug in at least 5 devices into power strips and turn off the strips when not in use. #4 Every member will replace 5 incandescent light bulbs with five compact fluorescent light bulbs, and #5, each member will recycle 5 categories of throwaway items such as aluminum cans, paper, plastic, glass batteries or ink cartridges. Jim says all clubs of district 5130 are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by living simpler, less consumptive lives.
Finishing polio eradication also remains a high priority for Rotary, says Jim. Polio is all but eradicated in both Africa and India. But in Pakistan and other places there are several hundred cases of polio breaking out each year. Jim encouraged us to continue fighting polio and especially to keep contributing to the Rotary Foundation. He closed with this: “Never doubt that a handful of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.”
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price
Aug 9, 2010
August 9, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President Carlton Nielsen. Dennis Hunter gave the pledge and Greg Williston the invocation; Greg read a prayer encouraging us to consider how a small group of people could make a big difference in the world.
Guests of Rotarians
Anne and Scott Loring were guests of Ted Loring Jr., and Libo Zhu, the new owner of Eureka Inn, a guest of Gregg Gardiner. Dale Warmouth was guest of John Macbeth, Don Smullin Executive Director of St. Vincent De Paul a guest of Steve Justus, and Susie Smelser, District Executive of Boy Scouts, a guest of Kim Bauriedel.
Greg Williston’s wife, Laura was here and he mentioned that they celebrate their 25th anniversary tomorrow. Greg offered to add $101 to the Paul Harris fund and later another $24.
Dave Dillon had his son-in-law Joel Wiley as his guest. Dave and Carol Dillon will celebrate their 60th anniversary on the 13th of August at the First Presbyterian Church of Eureka (2-4pm). He plans to take Carol to the A’s ball diamond in celebration of their diamond anniversary. $10er, 11 to Polio Plus, Dave.
Our new exchange student will be here August 12th, also August 12th at Humboldt County Fairgrounds will be a Rotary Barbecue cook off where Carlton Nielsen and Jason Eads will uphold our reputation at the barbecue pit. Club members are encouraged to attend.
Our District Governor Jim Flamson will be here August 16th so do not plan to leave early.
August 23rd our program will be from Gideon Lustig, Israeli consul to the US, so please check political positions at the door.
Former President Steve Justus offered to pay $20 for... well, a dog barking, or perhaps, it became so convoluted that he simply put $20 on the table.
Greg Williston was in Chicago for a family wedding and picked up a younger son and his parents met him there and took the grandkids to Egypt. That cost $24 for Greg.
David Loring having returned recently from Germany, said, “Ich liebe das Leben.” It means “I love life.” He obviously loved his year in Germany. Germany is fairly densely populated, being a bit smaller than California but having more than twice the population. David lived in the Rhineland Region in a quaint town called Bad Neuenahr-Arweiller that has much culture, tradition and wine. David was impressed by how many old things there are in Germany, especially compared to California. For examples: the Cologne Cathedral was about an hour away, and windmills were aesthetically pleasing (but not old, at least the windmills in his pictures weren’t). Winter was snowy and carnivals were plentiful especially in February. David said many of the impressions we have of Germany come from Bavaria, and the beer steins and lederhosen look a lot different where David lived because they don’t exist in that region. David answered questions and communicated obvious enthusiasm for his year abroad, thanking our club for the opportunity to live and study in Germany.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price
Aug 3, 2010
The mystery of the missing bell continues. President Carlton started the meeting with the pitiful clanking of his miniature cowbell. Dan Price gave the invocation. Anniversary celebrators included George Owren and his wife Gail (46 years) and Pat Folkins and his wife Shiela (50 years). They each had to convert their years to dollars for recognition.
District Governor Jim Clancy will be visiting us on August 16. If you attend, plan to stay for the entire meeting. Other upcoming events include the Rotary Barbeque contest on August 12 at the Humboldt County Fair. Judging is at 2 pm. Celebrity Judge will be Guy Fieri, who has a show on the Food Channel and a game show called Minute To Win It on NBC.
On the 20th, Rotary Youth Exchange is having a rafting trip. If you want to go, see Eric Bergel.
President Carlton then donned his fining hat. This week’s hat was a white conical felt affair that made him look like a mushroom. It is to be worn in Russian Saunas to keep your hair from scorching. There were Cyrillic letters on the front which, when translated, said “Dunce”.
Jason Eads was recognized for selling his own Barbeque Sauce. The jars of sauce are available at 2 Street Music and Ace hardware in Fortuna. The publicity cost him $20.
Our program was a presentation on the Joint US Military Pain Task Force. Our speaker was Dr. Kevin Brady who is a Lt. Colonel in the Army. He has recently relocated to Humboldt County. When he’s not deployed to Iraq, he works as a heart surgeon and heads ICU at St. Joseph Hospital. The Task Force is a collaborative effort by the various branches of the Service that focuses on improving pain management of our “wounded warriors”. Advances in body armor, medicine and transportation of casualties have cut the death rate to 10%. This means more surviving wounded who need care. Traditional pain management involved narcotics, but recent developments like the peripheral nerve blocking catheter and the use of analgesics mean less dependence on morphine. The catheters are 20 to 30 times more effective than the old methods, and can make a huge difference during the patient’s long plane ride back to Walter Reed in the states. Dr. Brady’s visual aids included lots of graphic photos of battle wounds and catheter insertions, interspersed with pictures of his niece. It was a good thing that everyone had already eaten.
Jul 28, 2010
July 26, 2010
President Carlton Nielsen opened the meeting with a tinkle on the miniature cowbell that apparently was substituted for the real bell. He put out a plea to get it back before the end of the year. Ron Shoenherr led the pledge. Richard Whittaker did the invocation and included a special mention for Bob Palmrose, who is going in for some tests.
Carlton announced that the District Governor would be at the meeting on August 16th and that there would be no early leavers. Steve Justice recalled that he had insulted the DG during a recent meeting by substituting a personals ad for his bio. That cost Steve $10.
Next Carlton promoted Celebrity Chef and local boy Guy Fieri who will be at the County Fair August 12. Fieri will judge a barbeque competition, which will be covered by KIEM TV. Greg Williston presented a check for 2,100 to Melinda Booth of the Sequoia park zoo. The money will be used to purchase a portable defibrillator. Then Carlton mentioned that the Board of Supervisors had declared August “Backpacks for Kids Month”.
Carlton then put on his fining hat, a Russian Army chapeau that made him look like a clove of garlic. Kim Bauriedel was recognized for his recent return to the US. Virginia Bass and Matthew Owen were fined $50 for a trip to Hawaii. Ted Loring Jr. forked over $50 for his 30-year tenure as a director of the California Association of Realtors and a trip to Sacramento for an Association meeting. Ted pointed out that Bruce Rupp had also been a member of the Association. Carlton asked how effective they were as a lobbying association and Bruce replied “Successful? How’s the resale value on your house these days?” Nuff said.
Our program was Tom Schallert, head of the National Association of Blood Banks. He pulled on his dashiki and talked about his recent trip to Nigeria as part of the Rotary Project “Safe Blood Africa” Nigeria is a small country on the west coast of Africa, but it has a quarter of the population of the continent within its borders. 150 million people with a median age of 19 and a life expectancy of only 49 years. There is a great need for blood, but less than 1% of the supply comes from voluntary donors. Patients and their families have to recruit their own donors, or hire a “tout:” who buys blood on their behalf. Blood drawing facilities are primitive and unsanitary, and equipment is frequently broken and abandoned due to a lack of local repairmen. As a result the country has less than a third of the blood it needs for treatment, and thousands die who might have been saved by an infusion of red blood cells. The most challenging issue is the absence of active recruitment for blood donors. Tom said they need professional recruiters, and more training. Additionally the people need to change their attitudes about donating.
Tom was rewarded with a handsome picture of himself and signed a book for the library. If you want to know what a “dashiki” is, send a crisp dollar bill and a self addressed envelope to “Too Lazy to look it up Myself” c/o 5650 S. Broadway Eureka Ca. 95503.
Derisively submitted by Hank Ingham.
Jul 26, 2010
July 19, 2010
Fully-inaugurated President Carlton Nielsen called on Dave Parris to lead the salute and Dan Heinen gave a thoughtful invocation.
Guests of Rotarians
Charlie Bussman was here with his daughter Wendy Bussman and there were a few others who escaped this author’s grasp. No student guests were present, but our inbound student Gabriel Umidon from Milan, Italy will be here August 12th.
Once again, here is President Nielsen’s board:
David Tyson -- Operations
Gary Todoroff—Club Service Communications
Diane Cipperly--Club Service Membership
Russ Harris--Club Service Meetings
Scott Guild—Club Service Youth
Jason Eads—Revenue and Grants
Greg Williston—Social Service
Greg Gardiner—World Service.
Eric Bergel invited all members to the Rotary rafting trip at Coloma Resort August 21, 22nd.
Greg Williston thanked our club for getting Martin Greve’s wood-shop table back home to Denmark; our club offset $500 of the cost of shipping.
Announcements: Assistant District Governor Steve Justus updated us on the state of the Assistant District Governor who represents us among the other clubs. District Governor Jim Flamson will be visiting our club on Monday August 16th. According to Steve, Jim might be our first green District Governor.
Craig Hansen reminded us of the need to give blood through the Pint for a Pint program.
We heard an enthusiastic craft talk from Sean McLaughlin who is executive director of Access Humboldt: a county and city entity created to manage resources for both public and private sectors in Humboldt. Access Humboldt has a private non-profit board that is open to public. Community access channels 8, 10, 11 and 12 give the public access to various governmental boards around the county. These channels are available for public use and access for free. Brochures and membership applications were handed out to all members.
President Nielsen brought donned a Siberian hat, which means fines are about to come. He recognized Charlie Bussman who has not been here for some time; Charlie paid $25 to the service club. Nancy Dean rose cautiously and admitted that there are some 15 meteorologists at Woodley Island: some even predict weather accurately. She donated $100 to the club. Sean McLaughlin was written up in a national broadband publication for getting Wi-fi and other projects connected around our town and county. Gary Philp admitted that he and the Sheriffs would benefit from this project by utilizing the broadband network often. That will be a 10$ fine to Gary, $10 to John and $25 to Mike Downey.
Next week we will hear about blood banking in Nigeria from our own member, past-President Tom Schallert. The goal is to improve the safety of the blood supply in Nigeria.
Jennifer McMahon (a.k.a. Jenneral Ms. Chief) says Humboldt Roller Derby has been well received in Humboldt. Ticket sales are going up and crowds are coming. They had a tough time finding a venue, until they found a practice space in Blue Lake and started practicing in secret. But now they are now rolling along and soon hope to have non-profit status soon. We then viewed a sizzle reel that gave us a lesson on Roller Derby jargon: “Packers,” “Jammers,” “Hips,” “Booties,” and “No elbows.” The flat track at Redwood Acres shows a circle with lots of women crashing into each other and the floor.
Jennifer said that nobody on the team is paid, but they say it is worth it in spite of the bruises and scrapes because it is great exercise.
The team travels as far as San Francisco and San Diego. The roller games are rated PG-13 according to our speaker, so family friendliness varies depending upon their opponents. We got a sample rehearsal of the Redwood Rollers in action from their announcer.
August 12th at Humboldt County Fairgrounds will be a Rotary Barbecue cook off where Carlton Nielsen and Jason Eads will uphold our reputation at the barbecue pit.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price
Jul 15, 2010
Meeting of Rotary Club of
July 12, 2010
Past President Steve Justus called on forty-year member Jim Howard to lead the pledge and Ryan Fray gave the invocation. Past District Governor Dave Dillon and all past presidents stood to welcome incoming president Carlton Nielsen, who for some reason has press coverage from the get-go. Past President Mike Moreland stood and got his pin from Steve Justus. Mike thanked the club for being there as he served last year. Steve Justus urged new President Carlton Nielsen to exemplify the Rotary motto, “Service above self.”
Visiting Rotarians were Liana Simpson of Old Town and Leigh Cunningham from
Christine Witt of the Humboldt Area Foundation was a guest of Diane Cipperly. Hank Pierson introduced his wife Cathy.
Exchange student Martin Greve went more places this past year than anyone could count and was given the bon voyage in Danish by our new President. Martin leaves Friday. President Carlton had hosted Martin this past year, and encouraged members to host exchange students. Martin was sent off with a nice round of applause and sincere thanks. Our inbound exchange student Gabriel Umidon will arrive the 12th of August from
Greg Pierson was pinned as president-elect by our new president. Sporting a kind of 1970s hair do, Greg promised to get a hair cut when he becomes president—perhaps even before.
Carley Robbins introduced her Rotaract officers to our club and gave an update on their African fund raising project. She also announced that they had received a presidential citation from Rotary International for the project.
President Nielsen introduced his board:
David Tyson -- Operations
Gary Todoroff—Club Service Communications
Diane Cipperly--Club Service Membership
Russ Harris--Club Service Meetings
Scott Guild—Club Service Youth
Jason Eads—Revenue and Grants
Gregg Williston—Social Service
Gregg Gardiner—World Service.
On the video screen was a story of how we taught our Russian Rotary counterparts to do a fundraiser, and they raised over three thousand dollars with their Rotary Barnaul Cotillion Ball—with which they were very pleased.
Hank Pierson brought
Club members may be happy to know that recognitions will be tax deductible for the coming year. More small events will be publicized and created as optional. Finally, fundraisers that garner funds from outside the club will be implemented this coming year.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price