Meeting of Rotary Club of Eureka
August 30, 2010
The meeting was called to order by club President Carlton Nielsen. Brian Papstein gave the pledge and Ryan Fray led the invocation after he said Mike Moreland was recovering and regaining feeling and use of his limbs.
Sally Arnot introduced Visiting Rotarians; there was but one, Liana Simpson from Old Town Club.
Guests of Rotarians
Steve Justus introduced his friend Ron Goodwin from Baker City , Oregon ; John Macbeth brought a friend, Chuck Elsworth with All Points Signs; and Mike Cunningham introduced two friends, Anthony and Anne Antoville, who work with Champion Advocates LLC in Eureka .
Student Guests
Our new exchange student Gabriel Umidon from Milan , Italy missed the meeting; but he is taking calculus, physics and chemistry, and is playing varsity football (and his courses require at least two expensive calculators according to President Nielsen). Excused absence.
Don Leonard mentioned the Sign Smith foundation and said grant applications must be turned in by September 30th. Small grants are $500 - $2,000 and Carol Riche is the chair of that committee.
Jeff Marsee was in the paper and sure to get a fine after telling the President he looked like a Shriner.
Jeff’s media attention was due to the season of back-to-school. CR has the equivalent of 6,000 full time students and many new programs. Jeff was fined $64 and rounded it up to $100.

Will Kay missed the President’s first meeting due to the fact that his stepson was busy producing another grandson.
$50 to backpacks from Will.
The grant for Safe Blood in Africa has been approved, in part at least explaining President Carlton’s strange hat. The program that will result from this grant has the possibility of saving thousands of lives in Nigeria .
Richard Boroughs: wrote a book and had it published.
You Want What I Have, a story about a man who starts a business that goes sour,
but eventually turns it around. It is 356 pages long—that should be worth a hundred bucks: thanks Richard.
Past President Steve Justus complained about the last minute change of program and ended up paying $100 to Paul Harris.
Rick Littlefield introduced his friend Phillippe Lapotre (of Lapotre and Cleek) an architect who has worked on quite a few local projects and is currently working on the waterfront development. Philippe came to Humboldt County in 1988 and has two daughters and a son who graduated from Eureka High School and moved to Oregon . He explained groundwork for the Eureka waterfront development began about 20 years ago when the waterfront was in sorry shape (Amen from this reporter!).
He showed many pictures, including the dedication of the boardwalk and the various improvements made at the food of F Street and more to come at the foot of C Street . Phillippe’s work is primarily where the industrial and tourist parts of the harbor meet near C Street . He showed diagrams of the Foot of ”C” Street Open Layout. A fish market, farmer’s market and tickets to the Madaket are all on the drawing board for the Fisherman’s Terminal. The building is quite ‘green’ in terms of the insulation, use of recycled materials and heating. The terminal building will probably be completed in late spring, in spite of the many complications with the foundation.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Price