Today’s meal was Pita bread with pork or beef slices and a cucumber yogurt sauce, choice of two salads, couscous or feta, and brownies. In the top five in the forgettable column, and isn’t annoying when you pay $17 for your meal and then have to construct your own sandwich one handed while you are in line? May have to go with the brown bag and $7 cup of Joe.
Richard Whittaker gave the invocation. Steve Justus announced the slate of officers to be voted on for service during Greg Pierson’s presidential year. Nancy Dean will be VP, Dan Heinen secretary, and John Fullerton treasurer. If you want to nominate someone else, you need to get a petition with 30 signatures. Carly Robbins, member of Eureka Rotaract announced a fundraiser Saturday 10/30. It’s a murder mystery/dinner at the Morris Graves museum. The Rotary Christmas party at the Ingomar will be on 12/1. We will meet at the Eureka Inn on 12/6. Carlton then donned a football helmet and began “recognizing”. Ken Stodder was fined $60 for his grandson, a football star who ran 82 yards for a touchdown, then kicked off and recovered his own onside kick. Carol Rische went on a Mediterranean cruise that cost her $75. John Harper announced the birth of his second daughter. Dale Warmuth went to Las Vegas $75. Gary Todoroff had his first grandchild $100. Our exchange student, Gabriel was scheduled to give the day’s program, but he called in with “the plague” so David Hull of the Harbor District stepped in to fill his Gucci’s. He talked of “life after the pulp mill closure”. There are some opportunities for the Harbor. Exporting wood chips will be resumed by California Redwood Co. He hoped to fill 8 or 9 ships a year with logs for the Asian market. It is also possible that lumber will be exported. Other projects include barge service to Oakland to get trucks off the highways and reduce pollution, cruise ships, and completion of the Marine terminal, which needs an infusion of 1.8 million dollars. David also talked about setting up a “water trail” for kayaks in the bay, with buoys and channel markers, which would increase recreational opportunities. Next week’s program is Green Diamond Timber. Carlton ended the meeting by asking if the assemblage knew anyone in the following unfilled categories who would make a good Rotarian: Inquisitor, Harpoon Management, Flagellant, Tooth Fairy, and Antidisestablishmentarian.
Submitted by Hank Ingham