Jan 30, 2012

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
January 30, 2012

Richard Borough led us in the pledge of allegiance, while Tom McMurray gave the invocation.

Student guests included Erin Knight, our outbound exchange student who recently found out she will be traveling to Brazil next year, and Catherine McGibbon, ASB President at Eureka High School.

Visiting Rotarians
Liana Simpson from Old Town Rotary.

Guest of Rotarians
Jason Eads brought Emanuel Rose from Strategic eMarketing, Dan Price brought Alan Campbell, Greg Williston brought his wife Laura, Eric Bergel brought is wife Kim and Dale Warmuth brought Mindy Bussman of George Petersen Insurance.

There were no birthdays this week, however, the Priors will be celebrating their anniversary on February 3rd.

Craig Hansen gave a very nice introduction of our newest Rotarian, Rob McLaughlin of Eureka Ready Mix.  His company has been in his family since it was founded by his grandfather with a horse and cart in the 1920s.  Family involvement has included 5 generations of McLaughlins, including his grandchildren who are rumored to enjoy playing with their toys in grandpa’s office.  Rob is also an avid golfer.  Welcome to the Club, Rob!

Dave Dillon gave a nice summary for new members, with a recap of the 1923 Committee started for newer club members during Jim Davis’ year.  For those new members, make sure you participate in 1923 club activities such as community service days and the annual raffle on March 10th

President Greg and Secretary Heinen then explained the process for the important election today for the 2014-2015 District Governor from District 5130.  The election was held by individual written ballot and Secretary Heinen’s team counted the votes.     

Burt Campton gave us an overview of the Sign Smith Fund at Humboldt Area Foundation, created with an endowment left to the Club from perfect-attendee member Sign Smith upon his passing in 1997.  This year there were over $175,000 in requests from the community for grants from this fund.  Sally Arnot was on hand to accept a very generous donation of $8,000 to the Humboldt Arts Council for their children’s art programs.  Congratulations!

Hank Ingham reminded us that “Mardi-Go-Braugh” will be held at Baywood on March 10th.  Ryan Fray and Greg Seiler will be requiring encouraging club members to purchase tickets for this annual fundraiser.  In true Hank style, he left us with the following joke:  Question:  What do they call a fake stone in Ireland?  Answer:  A sham rock! 

Due to the number of items assessed against Nick Bertell today, we only had time to recognize two members for their recent activities.  Nick has been busy the past few months.  He and partner Steve Suttell renamed their business Redwood Coast Financial Partners.  Ask him the story about the sign outside their office sometime.  They are located at 923 3rd Street in Eureka and actively participate in Arts Alive.  This coming Saturday they will be hosting an exhibit of Aviation in Humboldt.  It will feature a unique collection of historical photographs from Humboldt’s aviation history.  Nick also traveled recently to New York City for the Value Investing Conference and to visit his wife’s family in the Philippines.  While on vacation, he enjoyed one of his favorite pastimes, surfing, and even did a zip line between the 40th & 35th floors of two office buildings in the capital of Cebu.  Nick, are you crazy?  To cap off the tape-measure-earning recognition session, President Greg mentioned that Nick had recently been named Worshipful Master of Humboldt Lodge #79 in Eureka for 2012, and said he wanted to be worshipful too.  Nick then reminded us that now he will be called worshipful for the rest of his life!

Joe Marks was recognized his full tape-measure fine for the opening of the beautiful new tower at St Joseph’sHospital in Eureka.  Foundation Board members at the meeting included Liana Simpson and our own Chris Freeman.  Joe stated the new building will welcome it’s first patients on the 21st of April.  In the spirit of celebration, he then offered to arrange a special tour for our Club before the opening.  One long-time member sitting near me was very excited for a “field trip” stating it’s been a long time since the Club has had one.  Thanks Joe for the great opportunity and St. Joseph’s commitment to providing continued quality care for our community.

Jeff Leonard gave a very nice introduction of today’s guest speaker, none other than our own exchange student, Tonje.  Tonje hails from Kapp, Norway and is currently attending Eureka High.  She first lived with George Owren’s family and is now living with Eric Bergel’s family.  She has a final host home scheduled for the end of her stay, but would love to squeeze another in, if possible.  Jeff said Tonje has had a lot of fun so far, but had a wish list of things she’d still like to do before the year is over.  If you are interested in taking Tonje to any of the following, please let her know:  Eureka Symphony, ALO concert at HumBrews on February 5th, Clam Beach Run, Fern Canyon/Prairie Creek or to a San JoseSharks game. 

Tonje lives in Kapp, Norway, in a white house on the edge of a scenic lake.  She lives with her Mom, Dad, younger brother and black dog, Nicky.  Her town is approximately the size of Eureka, but, as she says, it is more spread out.  She will attend her final year of high school when she returns to Norway later this year.  Her high school is three years old and has specific educational tracts students can take to prepare for college and employment after graduation.  Tonje is taking classes focusing on media and communications, hoping someday to work in the movies or TV.  She said career counseling is part of the program during the last year of school, so she’ll be learning more about her future opportunities when she returns home. 

Tonje is very musical, playing such instruments as the trumpet, bass and guitar.  She plays the base and sings in an all-girl band called “The Deccas.”  They are on a break since she is in the States, but plan to reunite when she returns home.  She stated that the lyrics to all their songs are in English, which is quite popular in Norway, musically speaking.  She also plays the trumpet in the KBN Skolekorps, her high school’s marching band.  Overall, she is enjoying her experiences in the States, but said one of the things she misses most of all about home is her mom’s homemade pizza! 

She then gave the group a beautiful pictorial overview of various locations throughout Norway.  The country as a whole has a population just shy of 5 million people.  The government is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy, led by King Harald V and Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg.  Founded as an independent country in 1814, it was briefly occupied by Germany during WWII, before restoring their independent status in May of 1945.  The biggest national holiday is celebrated on May 17th, honoring the signing of their constitution in 1814.  Oslo, in the south, is the capital, with approximately five million residents.  Norway is a beautiful country, approximately 1100 miles long from the top, within the Arctic Circle, to the bottom on the North Sea.  With a west coast pitted with gorgeous fjords and the quaint town of Bergen, the total coastline of Norway is over 15,626 miles!  It shares an eastern border with Sweden and is connected in the far north to Finland. 

Tonje concluded her presentation with a few more personal facts and questions from the audience.  Overall, what a great presentation!

Dan Heinen then came to the podium and announced the votes had been tabulated, with Dr. Bauriedel winning our club’s 6 weighted votes by a landslide.  The results will be sent to the District when on February 22nd they will be opened and combined with votes from other district clubs to determine who will be the 2014-2015 District Governor.  Dr. Bauriedel, we wish you nothing but the best in this process and thank you for your many years of service to Rotary.

President Greg then closed the meeting, reminding us that next week we will hear from Eureka City Schools Interim Superintendent, Lee Ann Lanning, followed the next week by Humboldt County District Attorney, Paul Gallegos.

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Lane

Jan 29, 2012

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
January 23, 2012

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
January 16, 2012

Dave Dillon, past District Governor, led the pledge of allegiance, and past Eureka Rotary President Bill McAuley gave the invocation with a very appropriate quote from Martin Luther King Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even if you can’t see the staircase.”
Guests of Rotarians
Scott Guild introduced Anthony Stubbs, a colleague with Aalfs, Evans, and Co.  McDonald’s restaurant proprietor Jesse Klair’s guest was his nephew Happy Dhesi (inventor of the Happy Meal?).
Visiting Rotarians
Lee Cunningham, who is barely a visiting Rotarian to our club with her frequent attendance here.
Student Guests 
Exchange Students
Our Brazilian exchange student Marina Ferreira Rocha Campos from Brazil went home after Christmas apparently due to homesickness. She left us a nice letter thanking us for the opportunity to be a Rotary exchange student.
Bob Morse (8th), Neal Carnam (10th), John Gierek Jr. (19th), Dale Stockly (23rd), Chris Freeman (25th), David Hull (25th), Glenn Goldan (27th), Corky Cornwell (29th).
None to speak of.
Our president held up a cartoon of a red badger—and badgered the “Red Badgers” to transform into “Blue Badgers” as soon as possible. Following are opportunities to get this done.  Wednesday January 25th noon at Sea Grill the 1923 Committee meets. Also, the Membership Committee will meet next week after the regular meeting next Monday 23rd of January.
Dan Heinen was fined for having a grandson over 20 inches long and over 9 pounds big!
Jesse Klair was fined for remodeling his Arcata restaurant in the span of 25 days. The kitchen is back and McDonald’s is once again cooking with gas; he was fined $50 each for three restaurants and he added an extra $50 to make it an even $200. Thanks Jesse.
Bill McAuley’s son Ross returned from deployment just before Thanksgiving. Ross stayed at home for a month and now is in Hawaii. No fine for son deploying (parents of deployed kids pay every day!). But, Bill went to Hawaii to see Ross and that cost him $50 and earned him a Paul Harris pin. 
Dan Price was fined for traveling to Boulder Colorado to perform nuptial vows for Kevin Sampson and Stacy Savianno, even though it was last July and strictly in the line of pastoral duty. Kevin is the son of former Eureka Rotary Club member and College of the Redwoods president Cedric Sampson.
Chuck Edwards introduced our speaker for the afternoon, Nyle Henderson. Nyle has been a tireless worker with a bone marrow donor program called “Be the Match,” perhaps better known through Nyle as “Project Share Life.” Nyle is also a past president of Southwest Eureka Rotary and a Paul Harris Fellow. He speaks all around the county and country to reach not only minds, but also hearts, with the message that donors are needed to give life to those in dire need of bone marrow. Leukemia, lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease are diseases that hit people every day, every year of every station of life.  Son Steve was a single father ... Life was good until in 1987 he became ill.  By February he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. At Stanford the best doctors were consulted to help Steve. Radiation, chemotherapy and finally bone marrow transplant were all tried to no avail.  He went into remission for about five years.  But in 1996 he became gravely ill with a deadly and aggressive disease called myelodysplasia. Steve’s only chance was to get a bone marrow transplant, but his sister was not a donor. Chances of getting a donor through the registry at the time were only 20%, but a donor was found.  The transplant took place immediately--but Nyle still felt the troubling effects of knowing how many patients die for lack of a donor.
Since 1997 Rotary districts 5130 and 5170 have raised over $250,000 toward bone marrow donors. This gives 20,000 extra chances to those who want to live, according to Nyle.
Today there are over 9 million potential donors and there is an 80% chance of finding a matching donor. Still, even today one in five will not find a suitable donor. Nyle says this is unacceptable.  More donors are still needed to up the chances of those stricken with cancer and other deadly diseases. Minorities are far less likely to find a donor than Caucasians—so the message of taking fifteen minutes (or more) to help save a life needs to be taken to all communities and every race. Donating for a bone marrow transplant is much like a blood transfusion: risks are minimal, discomfort is minor and there are no long-term effects to being a donor. Nyle mentioned that given Rotary’s history with such campaigns as Polio Plus, Rotary is the logical organization to get the job done for bone marrow donors.
For those interested in helping or becoming a potential donor, see “Be the one to save a life!” says the brochure. You can do so by logging on to www.marrow.org or calling 1800 MARROW-2. 
Nyle concluded with stirring stories of two young ladies who had diseases that threatened their lives from an early age. Today they are doing fine. One donor named Jeremy was a police officer from the other side of the country from tiny Hannah Donahue. Jeremy was thankful to God for his opportunity to make his sacrifice on behalf of Hannah’s life. Eyes were wet as we watched and listened to many stories of lives saved and at times--lost.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
January 9, 2012

Jan 25, 2012

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
January 2, 2012

The club was dark in honor of the New Year holiday.