Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
April 2, 2012
President Pierson called the meeting to order.
Bruce Emad lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Pierson informed the club that Corky Cornwell’s wife, Annie, was in a car accident where she broke her arm and her back in two places. She is able to get up with help but Corky requested our prayers. Also, Ken Stodder is recovering nicely from shoulder replacement surgery.
Ryan Fray led the invocation.
Susie Smelser announced the lack of visiting Rotarians.
Guests of Rotarians
Russ Harris introduced Chris Whitt of HAF.
Greg Foster Introduced Emanuel Rose.
Past President Carlton introduced Steve Lafferty.
Eric Bergel introduced student guests Tess Armstrong and Izzy Piland, of Eureka High School, who spoke about their fundraising program for Eureka High where businesses can review the entire year’s Student Government events and sponsor any ones they like at one time rather than being called multiple times. Sponsoring businesses will get lots of promotional recognition.
Birthdays and anniversaries are in the book, congratulations to all. Bruce Emad received a quality hammer for attending Rotary on his actual birthday.
President Elect Nancy Dean celebrates 6 years in the club this week and Bob Morse celebrates 7 years.
Lost Coast Rotaract’s President, Jennifer Kiniken (who is also Rotartact District Governor!), spoke about their upcoming entertainment event, “Lights! Camera! Murder!” to be held April 6th at 7:00 PM at the Sewell Gallery at 423 F Street, Eureka. Admission is $40 at the door and that includes 2, yes 2, drinks and Hors d’oeuvres! Contact them at If you want to be more than the character you already are!
President Elect Nancy Dean starts her fireside meetings tonight and really wants everyone’s input as she plans her presidential year. If you have not yet signed up, give Capt’n Hank an email
President Pierson reminded everyone about the District Conference to be held in Fortuna on June 14th. Get you lodging booked before rooms run out!
Fred Griffith announced the current standings of March Madness. Jack Rieke and Jay Bahner's Kentucky plays Matthew Owen and Gregg Gardiner’s Kansas tonight for the national championship. The loser (if you call this losing) gets $1,000 while the winner pockets $1,500. Richie Whitaker pulls down an even $500 for losing in the Final 4 with Louisville while Bruce Emad and Glenn Goldan’s team, Ohio State, gets them $500 as well. President Pierson, Doug Lanning, Emad/Goldan and Rieke/Bahner also get $75 for owning teams that made it to the Elite 8. Thanks all for participating and raising $3,800 for our service projects!
'Much Ado About Nothing' was at NCRT on March 31st, although attendance was not great...although, Ted Loring, said the time they had was.
President Pierson reminded everyone that it is time to get new photos for the roster. Some are embarrassingly old, like this one here!
President Pierson informed the club about the Hero 2 Hire program. It is a great resource helping our returning veterans find employment. An employer can easily register the positions they have available and our veterans can search that database. The website is . Please contact Colonel Ron Pierre at for further information about this great opportunity to help our vets! In addition, Southwest Rotary will be having a program on the topic on April 20th. Check it out!
New Members
Diane Cipperley announced that there will be a 1923 Committee lunch on April 17th at the Sea Grill’s back room. Please join us and learn how to get the most out of Eureka Rotary!
Past President Kim Bauriedel went down to the District Assembly and was awarded the official plaque for his Global Alumni Award for Zone 25 signed by the RI president! Great job Kim!
The Spengler “Science Fair” Raffle was won by Secretary Dan Heinen and the second winner went undeclared until President-Elect-Elect Ziggy Ziegenfuss realized it might be his own!
President Pierson stood Secretary Dan Heinen on his feet. It's about time he got on his feet after lounging around for 2 weeks at the Breezes Resort on Curacao.
Dan gave such a glowing account of his time there, I’m beginning to think he is a shareholder! Anyway, he managed to save enough money on the package vacation that he generously donated $100 toward his Paul Harris Fellow. Thanks Dan!
Next up was Jeff Leonard. President Pierson mentioned that the prior week he put up a slide of internal organs and asked what this picture and Jeff Leonard had in common.
No one could guess that they were both missing their gallbladder. Jeff stood there, shook his head and stated, “Well I am sure glad you weren’t the president when I had my vasectomy.” President Pierson had nothing and his face flushed red as he heard the room begin chanting, “No Fine”, “No Fine”. He promptly told Jeff he could sit down.
Today's program was on the Rotary Foundation and was presented by our International Service Director, Gregg Gardiner, President Pierson and International Project Guru and Past President Kim Bauriedel.
Gregg explained that the mission of the Rotary Foundation was to promote world understanding, good will and peace.
Our areas of focus are:
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water and Sanitation
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Economic and Community Development
On the Polio front, President Pierson showed slides of the progress from 1988 through March 2012 and reminded us that we are *THISCLOSE * to ending Polio!
Additionally, the Rotary Foundation promotes Vocational Training by Group Study Exchanges between countries of young professionals. Our club will be hosting a GSE Team from Turkey the week of June 11th.
Our own Jim Hoff participated in the Ambassadorial Scholar program during his college years.
The Foundation also returns half of our donations after three years in the form of grants. Past President Kim Bauriedel noted that of the $377,000 District 5130 sent to the Foundation in 2007-2008, half went directly to international work and the other half, $188,000 went to our District. That money was used for District Simplified Grants, Matching Grants, Group Study Exchange and Scholarships:
Past President Kim then described a few of his many projects in Russia, including a school that needed renovation. The City finally restored the building because Rotary was on site providing needed equipment for the hearing impaired.
Before | | |
After |
Old and New Equipment |
Through Rotary, this hospital was able to provide improved chemotherapy to these young cancer patients. Our club, using matching grant money from the Rotary Foundation, donated automatic pumps to dispense the treatment. Before, the parents would spend 2 or 3 hours each treatment injecting the chemicals with syringes.
And the last example was a tractor we purchased for a farm community to help them produce enough food for their own needs and also to sell.
Gregg Gardiner informed us that of our 142 members, 89 are Paul Harris Fellows, and of that number, 31 have multiple PHFs. He went on to note that our club was well below the district average of per capita giving during 2010-2011 and encouraged each of us to understand the great work being done by the Rotary Foundation, the District and our Club. The Rotary Foundation goal of “Every Rotarian, Every Year” helps make that work possible. We ask each member to be a Sustaining Member, which means that each of us commit to giving annually $100 to the Foundation and $20 to Polio Plus. That’s really only $10 per month!
President Pierson reminded the club that we will be Dark on April 9th for Easter and back on April 16th when our program will be Mike Jones and Chuck Petrusha on the History of the Rhododendron Parade.
The meeting was adjourned on time!
Respectfully submitted,
Your Burl Committee