Lunch Menu: Salad bar, Swiss Chicken, Beef Hash, Roasted potatoes, corn, gravy, rolls, dessert
Called to order by President Gregg Gardiner at 12:30pm
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Pat Folkins
The Invocation was led by Greg Williston
VISITING ROTARIANS: Bill Mays and friend from Mad River Rotary, Sandy Scott Arcata Noon Rotary
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Greg Pierson introduced Ben Brown (AKA Bill) from the Clarke Museum, Rich Littlefield introduced soon to be a Eureka Rotarian, Linda Wise from Recology and president of the Redwood Arts Association, Don Smullin introduced Susan Gillespie from the Eureka Chamber of Commerce
STUDENT GUESTS: None. Spring Break.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mindy Bussman announced that the Firesides will start tonight with the first one at Matthew Owens house. If you haven’t signed up already, sign ups are on all of the tables.
Backpack for Kids annual fundraiser will take place this Saturday with a BBQ by Blackberry Bramble and music by Doug Fir and the 2X4s. Tickets are available from Mindy.

CRAFT TALK: Nathan Nilsen is one of the owners of Nilsen Company. He is a 5th generation Humboldt County native. Nilsen Feed was founded by Oscar Nilsen in 1896 who came here from Norway. It started as a fancy grocery store but as the grocery business became more competitive it morphed into a feed and animal care store in the 1920’s. Today there are 3 locations in Eureka on South Broadway, Ferndale which was founded in the 1950’s and Redway which was purchased about 3 years ago. He and his wife also purchased Express Personnel in Eureka last year. His 2 younger brothers, his Dad and Nathan are all the owners of Nilsen Feed. He has one step son, Stephen who is a student at CR and is not interested in working in the feed business. Last year they sold 3,000 baby chicks at Nilsen Feed Co.

Past President Hank Pierson was asked to stand. He has attended 2 meetings in a row but only attended a total of 3 to 4 meetings during President Greg’s year. He generously donated $100 to Polio Plus and $100 to Backpacks for kids.
Dr. Kim Bauriedel was asked to stand. Last week all club members put down $1 for Polio Plus. This week despite many attempts to forego the fine… President Greg firmly told Dr. Kim a $25 fine was required.
Anthony Stunich is gone so his fine will wait until next week.
Greg Williston’s son Reed is graduating from Cal Poly with a degree in aeronautical engineering and graduated at the top of his class. He already has the job of his dreams in vehicle design for a company in Los Angeles. Greg’s Paid $100 to Paul Harris.

SPENGLER-HOWARD RAFFLE: A bottle of Riverbend Cellars wine was won by Bert Campton.
Pat Folkins drew from the deck of cards for the joker and a pot of $650 but alas he drew a 2 of hearts. Sorry Pat. Next week drawing goes to $670.
GUEST SPEAKER INTRODUCTION BY: Carlton Nielsen introduced Sandy Scott who moved to Humboldt from Charleston South Carolina four years ago with her retired husband Harry. She was formerly employed by the Salvation Army but is now the Executive Director of the Arcata Chamber of Commerce and California Welcome Center. She is a member of the Arcata Noon Rotary club.

As the director for the Arcata Chamber of Commerce Sandy and her team nearly doubled their membership last year. They had their 1st cannabis member join this year. Many of their members are preparing for the eventual legalization of marijuana… She’s heard a Bud and Breakfast In will be starting and food companies are getting recipes ready that include marijuana in them. The chamber holds fundraisers and an annual dinner each year as well as classes of interest to business owners.
Matthew Owen asked a question that the speaker had previously answered and President Gregg fined him $100 for being late to the meeting and asking an unnecessary question.
Respectfully submitted, Alicia Cox