Lunch Menu: Salad bar, scalloped potatoes, salmon, chicken cordon bleu, rolls, dessert
Called to order by President Gregg Gardiner at 12:30pm The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bob Palmrose The Invocation was led by Greg Williston VISITING ROTARIANS: Bill Morill- Southwest Rotary, Retired Judge Brown-Ferndale GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Carlton introduced Bill Tuttle owner of the Chalet Restaurant new owner of the Cutten Inn; Lisa Slack introduced Cindy Beddington CEO of Redwood Acres Fairgrounds; Jeff Leonard introduced last year’s outbound exchange student to Sweden,
Ashley Bott back
from Sweden |
Ashley Bott and her grandmother, Donna Fuller. BIRTHDAYS: No birthdays this week. President Gregg asked for a moment of silence in recognition of this momentous occasion. ANNIVERSARIES: Russ Harris is celebrating his 13th anniversary with Rotary,
Richard's 32nd Anniversary |
Richard Borough is celebrating his 32nd wedding anniversary. Carlton will be celebrating his 20th anniversary without his wife, cooking food for about 110 kids and their parents at the Rotary Youth Exchange event.
Gregg forgot Ken's Anniversary |
Ken Stodder notified President Gregg that his 41st anniversary had been forgotten amidst gasps from the audience and a profound apology from our President. ANNOUNCEMENTS: A new community service project is coming up soon. In partnership with Del Norte Rotary we will be cleaning up the Rotary Grove, comprised of 80 acres, located between Eureka and Crescent City. It needs to be weed wacked, a bench replaced, etc. Stay tuned for dates. Bill Morrill thanked the club for a grant recently made to him to help fund a series of shows being produced for the Clarke Museum. Board of directors meeting next Tuesday. Board of director nominations will be on Sept. 8th for the coming year. A list of eligible members will be emailed soon.Our president announced that today is National Bad Poetry Day and in celebration he wrote an astoundingly bad poem which generated boos from the crowd.
Forgot their Rotary Pins |
RECOGNITIONS: Everyone without a Rotary pin, tie, etc. were asked to stand up. Christian Hill, Nathan Nielsen, George Owren, Tom McMurray, Carol Rische and Don Smullin all stood and were asked to confess why they were not wearing their pins despite a reminder last week from our president and a follow up email. All received a $5 fine except for Christian Hill who was fined $10 for claiming that his pin was left sitting on the windowsill to reflect light to keep bugs away and Don Smullin who was fined $20 for deleting President Gregg’s email without reading it. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Ashley Bott gave us a presentation on her year in Sweden and what her experience was like. She definitely recommends this experience to anybody who is interested.
Dennis tries to barter his bottle.
SPENGLER-HOWARD RAFFLE: A bottle of Riverbend Cellars wine was won by Dennis Hunter.
Brad Mettam drew from the deck of cards for the joker and a pot of $180. However, he drew a 4 of diamonds. The pot is now at $200.
Gregg's card trick floors 'em |
Jeff Leonard has come up with a new twist on the drawing that President Gregg will announce next week. GUEST SPEAKER INTRODUCTION BY: President Gregg Gardiner introduced Humboldt County Chief Administrative Officer, Phil Smith Hanes who is hear to talk to us about Measure Z.
The Z stands for ... |
GUEST SPEAKER: Measure Z raises local money that will stay here in Humboldt County by putting a ½ cent tax on goods purchased in Humboldt County for the next 5 years. The measure was put on the ballot because $286 million dollars has been taken away in State revenue over the past 22 years, decreasing public safety and other essential services. If passed, this measure is expected to raise approximately $6 million annually.
The under-sheriff
fills in for Phil. |
The Sheriff’s office is down 30 employees from where it used to be. Other services such as fire departments, rural ambulance services, 911 emergency response times, etc. would all benefit from the passing of this measure. The election will be on November 4, 2014. Fore more information about Measure Z go to MEETING ADJOURNED: 1:30 pm by President Gregg who announced that anyone with an August birthday who didn’t sit up front put $5 on the table. If you haven’t paid your dues, pay up. And lastly he left us with this thought… ‘taxes grow without rain’.
Respectfully submitted, Alicia Cox
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