Feb 26, 2019

February 25, 2019

Past president Bruce Smith stood in for Brad Mettam, who was out of town. Menu was veal or spaghetti, the usual salad bar, and chocolate mousse for dessert. 
 Ted Loring was awarded Rotarian of the Week.  He wasn’t there to accept the award.   Klark Swan reminded us that Rotary’s Mardi Gras fundraiser will be held on March 16th at the Redwood Conference Center. She would like to have everyone let her know if they are attending so she can get an idea of how much food to get. There’s a Rotary District Conference happening in Reno May 7-19th. They are calling it The Four Way Fest” Very clever. 
Our presenter was Scott Adair, new director of Economic development for Humboldt County.  He looks to expand local businesses by connecting them to sources of funding like the Headwaters Fund.  He’s also looking to bring new industries to the county.  He mentioned the new fish farm planned for Samoa.  They have a theme Prosperity 2018 and are poised for growth.  They organized a trip to a trade show for 21 local businesses which was very successful.  He’s been on the job four months, and his last position was in Salt Lake City Utah. 
Klark Swan
 It’s been raining all week. So carry an umbrella.

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