Oct 31, 2011

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
October 17, 2011

Pledge & Invocation
Clarke from Rotaract led the Pledge of Allegiance, while John Gierek Jr. said the invocation.

Visiting Rotarians
Visiting Rotarians today included Liana Simpson from Old Town Rotary, Linda Moore from Arcata Sunrise Rotary, Kathy Phelp from Fortuna Rotary and Bill Morrow from Southwest Eureka Rotary.

Guests of Rotarians
John Harper brought a guest, Barry Smith, owner of Barry Smith Construction.

Student Guests
Student guests today included our 2011-2012 exchange students Tonya & Marina.  They recently returned from a trip to San Francisco with other students that included an all-important shopping excursion, a visit to the US Hornet, a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and a trip to a Raiders game.  Marina also mentioned that she participates in the EHS Choir, who is holding a concert on October 20th at 7:15pm in the high school auditorium.

Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations
Birthdays this week include Nancy Dean and Jeff Leonard, while the Crossleys and Storres will be soon celebrating their anniversaries.

Mary Johnson introduced our newest member, Lowell Maffia, and presented her with her red badge.  Lowell is the Director of Sales for the Red Lion in Eureka and was formerly a member of the Rotary Club of Arcata before moving out of the area.  She is a grandmother of five and enjoys gardening, traveling and adventures in her 27 foot long motor home.  Someone thought it would be funny to have Hank Ingham give our new members some words of wisdom for success in Rotary and in life.    A sample of Hank's sure-fire ice-breakers included,  "If services before self is our motto, should I be serving myself lunch?"  After reading his complete list, he ended with the advice to sit at a different table each week and enjoy your time in Rotary.

Clarke and Jennifer from Rotaract told the group about a spook-tacular fundraiser the Rotaract club is hosting on Halloween.  It will be a Spirits & Spirits tour through Old Town, including a tour of a new speakeasy in Eureka!  Please contact either Clarke or Jennifer if you are interested.  Jennifer, also the newly installed District Governor for Rotaract, said she has been keeping busy with lots of planned travel to other clubs coming up soon.

President Greg told the club about the great time had by all at the Foundation Dinner held last weekend at the Blue Lake Casino.  Former Rotary International President, Richard King, was the guest speaker.  He showed a short Rotary International video, then asked that club members each try to donate an extra $100 to the Foundation this year, and an additional 20% to Polio Plus.  Did you know that Polio is now 99% eradicated in the world?  What an amazing thing to happen in our lifetime!

President Greg has some busy helpers.  There were quite a lot of special recognitions this week. 

Captain Hank, although with limited recollection, finally admitted he had a very successful recent elk hunt (a 6 pointer, was it, Hank?)  Although he already has a coveted blue tape measure, he agreed to earn another for $145.  He did specify that he would like that to go to the Foundation and Polio Plus as requested by President Greg.

Russ Harris also went on a recent hunting trip to North Eastern California.  Although the hunting wasn’t so good, the trip was great!  Thanks for the $25 Russ.

A Ken Stodder grandchild, surprise, surprise, had another good week in the newspaper.  Granddaughter Ashley Stodder was selected as a Times-Standard “Super Student” of the week.  She carries a 4.0 GPA, is a member of CSF, and has been class president all four years.  Ken is a very proud grandfather, indeed. 

Neil Carnham, previously fined for Winzler & Kelly’s new LEEDS Certified building in Old Town, was fined $50 more for their recent merger with GHD, an Australian engineering firm.  The merger was a good one, now giving them more opportunities for global economic expansion.  Eventually they will take on the GHD name, and augment the existing GHD East Coast USA operations.  Click here to read the local announcement. 

Hank Ingham, you’re fined $50 for “hiring a professional” to construct your new art studio.  That “professional,” of course, was our own President Greg.  If you don’t own an Ingham original, I strongly suggest you think about doing so.  Hank is a pretty amazing artist!

CC Cree was fined $75 for her stay in an impressive Malibu home by the ocean on her way to a trade show in Las Vegas.  If your friend ever needs more house guests, let us know!

Many thanks to Kathy Phelps for helping President Greg with a sneak attack on Gary Phelps!  Kathy and Gary recently added a new Arizona-based granddaughter to their brood, updating the count to five sons, five grandsons and one new granddaughter.  Congratulations to you both and thanks for the $145.

Congratulations to our guest speaker, Bill Carvalho, and Doug Lanning, who won the raffle!  

Today’s presenter was Bill Carvalho, President & Founder of Wild Planet Foods.  Headquartered near Bill’s McKinleyville home, they have offices throughout the US, including New York City, San Francisco and Colorado.  In 1990 Bill started Carvalho Fisheries, which later transitioned and became Wild Planet Foods.  The venture was partially funded by Sea Change Management, a private equity fund founded, in part, by the Packard Foundation, who, coincidentally, also founded the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Currently, Wild Planet Foods is in over 7,000 retail stores worldwide and is the fourth largest manufacturer of canned seafood in the United States.  Way to go Bill and Wild Planet Foods!

Wild Planet Foods has taken a very unique approach to the way they operate and how they and their suppliers harvest their product from our oceans.  Inspired by a family trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Bill took to heart the way in which traditional fishing historically treated the ocean and how he could expand on fishing practices that treat our oceans and their inhabitants differently.  Sustainability has become the cornerstone of the Wild Planet Foods corporate philosophy.  “Wild Planet Foods distributes seafood only from ecologically sound, sustainable fisheries.  It is our hope that enlightened consumers will prefer these food sources.”  Their website states that the company seeks to:

  • Produce the finest wild seafood only from fisheries that are sustainable and free of wasteful by-catch and habitat destruction.
  • Develop new standards of seafood safety that assure consumers protection from potentially harmful contaminants both natural and man-made.
  • Supply consumers with quality enhanced products that provide greater essential nutrition, promoting superior health and wellness. 
  • Become an example to the seafood industry of finding sustainable balance in both the use and preservation of precious marine resources.

Aside from the sustainably harvested canned fish produced by the company, they also distribute live Dungeness crab throughout California and the US, not to mention a large overseas market in China.  Male crabs are banded and chilled into a hyperdormacy for the shipping from San Francisco to China.  Soon, in cooperation with the Eureka Redevelopment Agency, crab will also be shipped locally from the new Fisherman’s Terminal Building and C Street Market Square at the foot of C Street in Eureka.  While large competitors have tried to imitate the practices of Wild Planet Foods, none can compare with their dedication to sustainable practices and the relationships Bill and his team have built with organizations such as Seafood Watch and Greenpeace.  In fact, Greenpeace Canada listed Wild Planet Foods 1st in their 2011 ranking of the top canned tuna brands in Canada based on commitment to sustainable practices…30% higher than the 2nd place brand.  Overall, Bill gave a really interesting presentation on an industry fundamental to this area and how Wild Planet Foods does their part to keep our ocean ecosystems healthy and productive.  Wild Planet Foods can be found in major stores from Eureka Natural Foods locally, to national retailers such as Whole Foods.

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Lane

Oct 10, 2011

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
October 10, 2011

The club was dark today in honor of the Columbus Day Holiday.

Oct 5, 2011

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
October 3, 2011

Doug Lanning led the pledge of allegiance, and Past President Carlton Nielsen gave the invocation asking that we remember those who are not doing so well in the recession.

Guest of Rotarians:  Nick Bertell brought Emanuel Rose.

Craig Hansen’s guest was Rob McLaughlin.

Student Guests 
Christian Hill introduced two young ladies: Erin Knight and Catherine McGibbon, who told us all about Eureka High School’s International Homecoming 2011.  Events are scheduled as following: 

Sunday October 9th, Athletic Booster Pancake Feed in Cafeteria 8-11:30am.

Monday October 10th Eureka Main Street Pep Rally 5:30 at Old Town Gazebo

Thursday , October 13th Hall of Fame induction in the Gym 6:15p.m.

Friday October 14th Homecoming Parade through Henderson Center 1:45p.m.

Saturday, October 15th
Girls’ Tennis vs St. Bernard 10:00am
Boys’ Soccer vs Ferndale 10:00am
Girls’ Soccer vs Ferndale  12:00p.m.
JV Volleyball vs Hoopa  2:00p.m.
Varsity Volleyball vs Hoopa  3:00 p.m.
JV Football vs McKinleyville 4:00p.m.
Varsity Football vs McKinleyville 6:30p.m.

Exchange Students
Tonje Sorum from Norway and Marina Ferreira Rocha Campos from Brazil were away on a field trip to San Francisco.  Marina remains willing to work for pay: she can baby sit, walk the dogs or pet sit.   Contact Marinafr_campos@hotmail.com, or call 4981197 or 444 9313.

John Fullerton and Nancy Dean have birthdays this month and were not seated at the head table. They were both fined $10.

Glenn and Shelle Goldan (9th), Hank and Cheryl Ingham (11th), Keith and Carole Crossley (12th).

Visiting Rotarians
Lee Cunningham and Bob Palmrose.

Past President Carlton Nielsen announced our new board members for next year: John Bartholomew, Keith Crossley, Greg Bowen and Dave Parris.

Past President Steve Justus thanked our club for a $1,000 check to honor Flight. Steve informed us that next week 97 veterans will fly to Washington, D.C., and he is pleased that our club will help them get there. The following veterans and chaperones stood and were honored: Al Crnich, Ziggy Ziegenfuss, Ken Stodder, Joan Davies and John McBeth.

Last Week’s Event:

President Greg thanked the many who were involved in Backpack for Kids Buddy Night last Tuesday. It was a roaring success, raising just under $22,000.  Special thanks were extended to the organizers: John Bradley, Nancy Dean and Gregg Seiler.  Special thanks also to Eric Bergel for being willing to take his shirt off and to Diane Cipperley for bidding with alacrity as soon as she heard his offer.
Pat Folkins reminded us that our Foundation Dinner will be held on October 15th. This would be a good opportunity to contribute to your Paul Harris Fellowship. Tickets are five for a hundred dollars.

All who had babies last year were asked to rise (since just two men rose, we assume they were complicit with their wives). Greg Bowen and wife Jennie had a baby girl March 29th, and Greg Seiler and Brigitte had a boy on January 18th. Greg Bowen was fined $145 and Greg Seiler $20. Perhaps girls are worth more than boys to our president?

Bruce Rupp was welcomed back by president Greg and promptly fined $50 for attending a National Security Forum in Birmingham, Alabama.

Rev. Matt Messner just returned from 9 days in Israel and promptly fingered Tom McMurray for also traveling to the Holy Land. Matt felt pretty safe except for visiting Bethlehem (from whence others have fled for good reason). Matt and Tom were fined $50.

Gary Todoroff presented an excellent program on  Bulembu, Swaziland. (Yes, that’s Swaziland as in Africa, not Switzerland.)  Gary went to assist with publicity and pictures for the many ministries that are ongoing in Bulembu such as raising food, providing education and medical care—especially for children. Gary felt privileged to be in Bulembu and to survey the various facets of projects that are helping the local residents. He showed beautiful pictures of the schools, hospital and even the stars –the latter displaying the Southern Cross. Several projects of note: a golf course that is being converted into a dairy to feed hungry children, the Royal Rangers scouting program with lots of smiling children’s faces, a chicken farm, hydroponic farming, and a wedding with over 200 guests and Gary trying to be unobtrusive while taking pictures as the only white guy.  The motto “Restore a Town: Transform a Nation” certainly applied to what we saw of Gary’s pictures and experiences in Bulembu. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price

Oct 3, 2011

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
September 26, 2011

Jim Hunter led the pledge of allegiance and Gary Todoroff gave the invocation beginning with a tribute to Daniel Boone followed by a fine prayer.

Guests of Rotarians
Bill McAuley introduced Sharon Pierson, wife and guest of our club President.

Heidi Moore-Guynup was the guest of John Bartholemew; Heidi is with the Decade of Difference Initiative. Jim Howard had three guests: Andrew Caldwell, Anita Hall and Elizah Sherry.  Sue Bosch had a guest, Debbie Provolt.

Visiting Rotarians
Jim Seiler (Fortuna) Kathy Miller (Southwest), Kathy Phelp (Fortuna) and Ryan Sundberg (Mad River, McKinleyville).

Exchange Students
Once again, we welcomed Tonje Sorum from Norway and Marina Ferreira Rocha Campos from Brazil.  Marina is willing to work for pay: she can baby sit, walk the dogs or pet sit.  If you need her contact her at Marinafr_campos@hotmail.com, or call 498-1197 or 444-9313.  If you plan to do something fun they might like to tag along with you!

Matthew Owen (20th),Sid Anderson (27th), Dan Heinen (29th) were recognized, and Stacy Lane (23rd) got fined $10 for not sitting at the front on her birthday week.


Dave Hall announced that he is no longer with the Humboldt Bay Harbor District, but thanked us for the amazing support for the harbor and all that was accomplished during his 15 years of tenure.

Past President Bert Campton announced applications for the Sign Smith scholarships; they are due by September 30th. No grace, says Bert.

Fall Event:
Greg Seiler reminded us of the Backpack for Kids Buddy Night…  TOMORROW NIGHT!

Where: Cher-Ae Heights Casino, Trinidad

When: Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 5:30-9:30pm.

What: Prime Rib dinner with all the trimmings for $30.00 per person.
All proceeds benefit the Backpacks For Kids Program, a weekend nutrition program for local elementary school children.
To reserve tickets call 269 4335 or 845 9489

Pat Folkins said our Foundation Dinner will be October 15th. This would be a good opportunity to contribute to your Paul Harris Fellowship. Tickets are five for a hundred dollars.  Tickets are available online at District 5130 website. Buy them there, but if there is a problem, contact Pat.

Greg Foster introduced Kathy Miller from the Humboldt County Office of Education Economic Fuel program. She greeted the club with enthusiasm, describing YEP, (Youth Entrepreneurship Program), which is a new program in our county. Do what you love, follow you passion and make a living at it, she proclaimed as the motto for the program. The inflatable “sausages” (for want of a better description) were impromptu-auctioned off to Rick Littlefield for $25.

A $400 dollar check was presented to Victor Zazueta for the Humboldt County Library by President Greg.  Victor said they now have e-books and overdrive books available, and last year the library circulated 690,000 items.  Even though support for the library is declining due to loss of property taxes, the trend is toward electronic books and media.

John McBeth and Will Kay recently traveled to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama where they attended a National Security Forum. Gary Todoroff, Bill McAuley and Ron Pierre were also asked to stand, and got fined $10 for having previously attended the National Security Forum.  Ron got tagged five more dollars for being ‘special.’

Carolyn Crnich is on a panel for Humboldt Election Transparency project; she was recognized for producing a fine example of fair elections, receiving recognition from MIT.  Her theme is “Don’t trust me.”  We were encouraged to think about it.   Since it was her big birthday she bought a Rotary tape measure for $145.  

Raffle ticket winners
John Harper & Stacy Lane

Our speaker, Kirk Girard, is the current Community Development Services Director.  Kirk previously worked for SHN Engineering, after obtaining an engineering degree at HSU. He is a licensed civil engineer. Kirk became Planning Director in 1997 and lives in Bayside with his wife and children.  He thanked us for having him for lunch and hoped it was literal and not symbolic.

Kirk said there is a part of what he does that is seldom recognized, it is the regulatory part of the job.  Clear up the backlog of projects, get the planning department and other regulatory agencies to talk and cooperate was his initial charge…and still is.  Every project has people on both sides of the equation and therefore it is challenging to meet everybody’s needs.  The Board has land use responsibilities.  Gregg Foster was fined $25 dollars for disrupting the meeting with his phone (which he claimed he was turning off).  Much of our tax dollars used to stay here, said Mr. Girard, and now they go away to Sacramento; grants are one way to get the money back.  We have partnered with a large number of people in this community, Girard said, and $92 million dollars was retrieved from the federal government for economic development in Humboldt.  The Headwaters fund has worked wonders in the county, according to Girard, and has over 18 million dollars in it, with12 million in the county already invested.

How do we stimulate our economy in terms of growth, housing, and infrastructure?  Disparate views within the county present big challenges. The Planning Commission is about 2½ chapters away from the completion of the new plan, and in that process Girard said that policies, process and people need to be kept in balance—which he admitted is not easy and takes a toll on many including himself.  Communication and facilitating everybody’s participation is a great challenge that Girard hopes the current Planning Commission will keep in mind. 

During the question and answer time, Girard was asked if we are seeing too much urban planning for a rural county? He responded that when marijuana cultivation wanes, the timber and agriculture industries will need to keep our economy going.  Timber harvests are very costly for all Californians.  Can our planning commission help timber harvest planning be expedited?  He seemed to think not.  Girard was also asked by a local politician about the Headwaters fund conflict of interest with the Planning Commission?  Is the Headwaters Fund actually creating jobs?  

A book was donated to the library on Mr. Girard’s behalf, titled Frog Heaven.  
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
September 19, 2011

Jack Macdonald led the pledge of allegiance, and Greg Williston gave the invocation on a bright and mild Monday, first citing Vince Lombardi who encouraged us to do our best whatever the task.

Guest of Rotarians
Scott Guild introduced Nathan Nielsen of Nielson Co. farm supplies.

Visiting Rotarians
David Sharp from Southwest Rotary, Hezene and Zoran Sajovic from Lafayette North, Louisiana, and Randi Balke Hveem from Norway.

Exchange Students
We welcomed Tonje Sorum from Norway and Marina Ferreira Rocha Campos from Brazil.  Marina is willing to work for pay: she can baby sit, walk the dogs or pet sit.  If you need her contact Marinafr_campos@hotmail.com, or call 498-1197 or 444-9313.

Ken Daer (19th), Matthew Owens (20th) and Stacy Lane (23rd).

Greg and Sharon Pierson on September 21st. Greg is moving the Board meeting so that he can take Sharon to lunch (which he hopes will be cheaper than taking her to dinner).

Past President Carlton Nielsen pointed out the need to vote for our 2012-13 board members whose names are on an 8½  x 11 sheet on the table. 

Fall Event
Greg Seiler reminded us of the Backpack for Kids Buddy Night. 
Where: Cher-Ae Heights Casino, Trinidad
When: Tuesday, September 27, 2011,  5:30-9:30pm.
What: Prime Rib dinner with all the trimmings for $30.00 per person.
All proceeds benefit the Backpacks For Kids Program, a weekend nutrition program for local elementary school children.
To reserve tickets call 269 4335 or 845 9489

Pat Folkins said our Foundation Dinner will be held on October 15th. This would be a good opportunity to contribute to your Paul Harris Fellowship. Tickets are five for a hundred dollars.

Arthur Nielsen forgot his membership packet from last week.  Even if he has it all memorized, President Greg fined him ten dollars.

Boy Scout popcorn is for sale now at any Boy Scout booth, business or see Susie Smelser especially if she has on her popcorn hat.

Eric Bergel won the raffle and promptly was asked to stand up by our President.  He had bartered for a boat that he would transport to Seattle so that he could use on it on Catalina.  He tried on the sob song story of a seasick crew and found little sympathy.   He also has an anniversary in two days so was fined $145 by President Greg.

Mike Cunningham went to a Giants game in May (they lost) and got fined four months later due to collusion on the part of the Presidents: $25 Mike.  

President Greg held up a picture of Chris Freeman standing ominously over his prey, a giant elk. Chris was only fined $20 which he donated to Backpacks for Kids.
Ron Pierre was named National Ombudsman but did not get to go to Italy.  He’s been married 44 years as of 10 days ago.  That’ll be $70.

Bruce Rupp has been visiting family, all over the country and to England. Six weeks away. He offered to show 1300 of his photos to us all, but quickly retracted the offer.  That’ll be $145 for  Bruce. 

Mike Cunningham volunteered to come clean and paid $145.

Rob Smith the head football coach at HSU was our guest speaker.  He is now in his fourth year as coach, he hopes to bring on a better season and record than his first season.  He has led the team to an exciting season thus far, especially the last second field goal victory over Central Washington.  Now, he hopes to have a job for another year. He played football at University of Washington under Don James, who is now in the Hall of Fame, graduated from Washington in 1980 and played in the Rose Bowl.  Then spent 20 years at Western Washington University.  After 17 years there he then moved to Athletic Director, but after a year began to look for a coaching assignment.  He became intrigued with the head coach job at Humboldt State and got the job. 2008 was his first season and not a great season.  Banking on the tradition of good football teams at HSU, he believed the records would gradually improve, and they did.  Coach Smith has a great group of kids who are doing a good job on and off the field.  As an example of off field accomplishments, the football team at HSU has the highest GPA of any team in their conference. He is looking not only for athletic talent, but also for players with character and a study ethic. Work hard, no short cuts, play as a team or ship out has been his motto. 

The feeling of excitement at HSU for all sports has risen steadily over the past few years, and this spills over into the gridiron and into the good attendance in the stands.  There are three more home games this season and coach Smith encouraged us to get out and see a game. 

The meeting was closed by President Greg who said there will not be a Smokin’ in the Woods BBQ competition on 9/11 or 2/15 or 4/21 ....whatever the date!

Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
September 12, 2011

Aaron Tilch led the pledge of allegiance and Jim Howard gave the invocation—with a bit of assistance from President Greg Pierson. 

Visiting Rotarians
Jay Hockaday introduced the following persons: Liana Simpson, Old Town; Heidi Benzenolli, Southwest; Trevor Harper, Ferndale; Maureen Merrill, Windsor (District Governor).

Guests of Rotarians
Carlton Nielsen brought Tim Jones; Lisa Slack’s guest was Laura Slack; Nancy Dean’s guest was Dorann Wolf and Steve Justus introduced Mary Barber.

Student Guests 
Student exchange guest Tonje Soonm went roller skating, to the river and to the Oregon Caves over the past week. Marina Campos went sailing and celebrated her BBQ-birthday Sept. 5th.

Gary Todoroff reported that Harvey Harper had been a member since 1942 and left $20,000 to Eureka Rotary when he recently passed away, with the stipulation that it be used locally. Our club has decided that we will sponsor a Eureka High School scholarship to study automotive technology. 

John Bradley announced September 27th at 5-9 pm at Cher-Ae Heights Casino, Backpack Buddy night.  Jeff Leonard said live action items and silent auction items are still needed. Contact Jeff if you can help out with an auction item.  If you wish to attend the event Greg Seiler said sign up on the clipboards that are at our table. We are hoping to raise $25,000. "Be a Buddy, Bring a Buddy" is the theme.  Want to attend? Contact Greg by September 26th.

Jeff Leonard announced that Wednesday in Room 119 at Eureka High School is the Rotary Youth Exchange information night, to prepare and inform any would-be exchange students.

Our newest club member is Arthur Nielsen (MBA from UCLA, JD from Columbia University) who is married with a ten year old daughter.  President Greg gave him a red badge and urged Arthur to work diligently toward his blue badge.   Carlton Nielsen encouraged him to note that he could do Rotary make-ups in Siberia in January or get kidnap insurance on his way to a meeting in Nigeria.  But, urging Arthur to sit at different tables seemed the more practical bit of advice.

September Birthdays: Kim Bauriedel (6th), Carolyn Crnich (9th), Brian Papstein (10th), Teresa Sims (13th), Jesse Klair (14th), Steve Beckman (18th). The birthday boys who were not at the table were fined ten dollars each.

Anniversaries: David and Patty Tyson (8th), Ron and Jan Pierre (9th), Corky and Ann Cornwell (11th), Greg and Jenny Bowen  (13th), Joe and Peggy Mark (14th).

There is a softball game this Friday at Cloney Field from 3:30-5:00pm against the Eureka High Staff. Victory seems likely -- if we show up.

Brian Papstein introduced our speakers: HSU President, Dr. Rollin Richmond and Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Burt Nordstrom.  Dr. Richmond came to HSU from Iowa State nine years ago.  Dr. Richmond could not help but notice that the football game with Central Washington last Thursday was well attended and with a last second field goal leading to victory for the Lumberjacks; he could hold his head higher.

A friend recently asked Dr. Richmond if Humboldt State was still business unfriendly?  He countered by mentioning the HSU Office of Economic and Community Business Development was started some years ago and has become a portal for businesses around the area. With the childhood poverty rate very high in Humboldt,  Dr. Richmond would like to see that reversed and HSU might play a role.  Numerous HSU alumnae today are leaders of local businesses; these were cited as an example that many HSU grads are having a positive impact upon the local economy.   HSU is working with Rob Arkley’s program, Economic Fuel, and is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve its business department and school. 

HSU has developed a reputation for social justice and environmental concerns.  However, business sustainability and social issues are not mutually incompatible, according to Dr. Richmond. As an example, he noted the California Center for Rural Policy has been established a connection to HSU, with important results:  e.g. the new fiber optic line soon to be completed over highway 36.  Dr. Richmond pointed out that HSU students are involved around the globe doing good things for people in need.  Furthermore, GI Jobs Magazine rated HSU military-friendly, with many programs to assist military personnel and veterans.

In light of the many contributions that HSU makes to the business of our community, Dr. Richmond would like us to talk to our legislators about that service being sustained through tax dollars.

Burt Nordstrom attended HSU, excelled in sports and once ran the University Center; he is now Vice President for Administrative Affairs.   During his tenure academic programs and the facilities have been vastly improved. Photographs of the new structures documented the new HSU entryways, playing fields, student housing and kinesiology complex, among others. International student programs have also increased. Mr. Nordstrom pointed out that forest product industries once provided many jobs in Humboldt County, but no longer.  He would like to see his offspring be able to live and work in Humboldt like he has, but the number of jobs have become scarce. One asset that could be exploited would be to allow HSU to grow in our community, especially as HSU becomes less state and more privately funded.   The current total HSU campus budget is about $175 million dollars, with a higher proportion today garnered from student fees, grants and other sources.  

Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Price
Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
September 5, 2011

The club was dark today in honor of Labor Day.
Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
August 29, 2011