Oct 11, 2010

Burl 9/27/10

Peter Pennicamp lead the pledge, during one of his rare visits to Rotary. Bruce Rupp followed with the invocation, noting that member Dick Nash was in the hospital and that Mike Moreland has returned home. He is still affected by his stroke, but is coping. City council hopefuls Mike Newman and Marian Brady were introduced as guests. Gregg Gardiner stood up to announce that he had heard Mike answer a trivia question on 95.5. Somehow Dennis Hunter, who brought Mike, ended up with a 10 dollar fine. President Carlton noted that we will have a meeting at the Eureka Inn sometime in December. It will be catered, but still exciting. Then we had a special presentation from Megan, who at age 50 had quit her job and moved to Uganda to start a vocational school. She was a survivor of child pornography and prostitution and wanted to do something meaningful with her life. Her school is called the African Hospitality Institute. She is hoping for a grant. Don Smullin came up to do his craft talk. He has a new job as Executive Director of St. Vincent de Paul in Eureka. They are celebrating their 350th anniversary. St. Vincent was kidnapped by Turkish pirates who enslaved him. How he got away and made it to Eureka was not explained. PP Steve Justus and sponsor John Mcbeth introduced our newest member, Dale Warmuth –son of Leon and manager of Leon’s Car Care. Carlton then donned a hat that resembled an ear of corn and recognized Peter Pennicamp for a honeymoon in Northern Minnesota and a grandchild. Fast work, Peter. He also saw a large moose. Joe Mark volunteered that he was now “Grandpa Joe” and forked over $150 . Then came the drawing. The winners donated their money to the vocational school. The program was scheduled as a debate between Wes Chesbro State Assemblyman, and Karen Brooks, his challenger. Wes declined, so it was just Karen.
She has raised more than $70,000 with no help from the Republican Party, and is going door to door in Ukiah to make her views known. Her husband wasn’t initially thrilled about her candidacy, but now supports her. She’s running as a “citizen candidate”. She’s against the Marine Protection Act because ‘for heaven’s sake they’re marines! Shouldn’t they be able to protect themselves?’ For more information visit her website www.karenbrooks2010.com. Note to readers: some quotes may not be entirely accurate.
Submitted by Hank Ingham

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