Dec 10, 2012

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka

December 10, 2012

The pledge was lead by Dale Warmuth, Sergeant-At-Arms.   

Eric Bergel gave the invocation and the Sunshine Report.  Ziggy broke his ankle.  He had  pins inserted. He and Ruth are under care of Robin.  Mike Cunningham is getting evaluated at Bay Area medical centers for unknown illness.   

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthdays this week Greg Bowen, 10-Dec, Jay Bahner, 15-Dec. Dec Birthdays – Jim Howard (received pass),  Jay Reed ($10 fine-week of 12/3), Greg Bowen ($10 fine week of 12/3) , Chuck Ellsworth (received pass), Richard Borough ($10 fine), Russ Harris($10 fine), Walt Shimasaki (received pass), Hank Ingham, Mike Leggins. 

Polio - Nine clubs in the District have contributed a minimum of $1000 since July 1 with Rotary Club of Eureka 3rd at $2624.  So how are we doing in terms of the total eradication of polio?  GLOBALLY YEAR TO DATE – A REDUCTION IN CASES BY 63% – ONLY 205 CASES WORLDWIDE.  Our concern remains the 3 remaining endemic countries – Afghanistan = 33 cases YTD, Nigeria = 111 cases YTD, Pakistan = 56 cases YTD.  While Afghanistan and and Pakistan do not often cooperate, they are working together during our END POLIO IMMUNIZATIONS days. Pakistan has also visited India to learn how India has gone without polio for almost two years.  Immunization campaigns are being conducted in all three countries as well as Angola, Chad, DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), Horn of Africa, and West Africa) this month. 

If you are thinking about attending the International Convention in Lisbon, Portugal June 23-26, 2013, you’ll receive a $100 discount if you register for December 15th. Get more information and register at   

Craft Talk
New member Tim Jones was called up to do his craft talk.  At 26, he is the youngest member in the club.  I’ve got shoes older than that.  He’s married and works at CVS Pharmacy as the Assistant Store Manager.  He has a black belt in karate and likes to skimboard.   

Nancy put on her top hat for a brief interlude of recognition.   
Stacy Lane just returned from a 19 day vacation & cruise that included stops in Italy, Greece and Turkey.  She said she misheard Nancy’s remarks and as a result, instead of having Turkey for Thanksgiving, Turkey had her.  She brought back a can of jellied cranberry sauce as a memento of her voyage.   

Gregg Gardiner came to the podium to remind us that Toys For Tots still needs more toys.  They just received a $700 donation from Coast Central Credit Union.  Then it was time for our program.   

Kathleen Cloney Gardiner introduced the new superintendent of Eureka City Schools,  Fred Van Vleck.  He is a Humboldt County native, but spent the last 20 years working in the central valley.  He’s glad to be back, and says people have been very friendly.  He said things have changed since he was growing up.  Timber and fishing are no longer options for those who do not pursue higher education or vocational training.  In the mid 80’s Eureka Schools had 8,000 students.  Now we have less than half of that.   

Young people are leaving to pursue better opportunities.  He wants to keep kids here and help them have a career.  California has one of the highest tax rates at 14%, but when it comes to funding education, we are ranked 48 out of 50.  Lottery funds less than 1% of education.  He wants to set up a cooperative program between business and education where businesses contribute to training students in vocations.  He is also opening Winship school and reformatting Zane so that they are magnet schools.  That way if students try to bring weapons into school, they will be attracted to the magnets and stick to the wall.  He is looking for volunteers for an advisory committee. 
Modestly submitted by Hank Ingham

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