Mar 11, 2013

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
March 11, 2013

The Burl Committee regrets that we didn't have a reporter at the meeting.  Instead we offer the following dramatic account of what we think went on.  Professional writer on a closed course.  Don't try this at home.

Welcome, Barbara from Cal Courts!

 It was a dark and stormy day in Eureka. The wind howled, a woman cried, and somewhere in the distance, a bird chirped forlornly.

So it came to pass that President Dean called the meeting to order, pounding her gavel against Ye Olde Ancient Belle, whose sonorous tones rang across the Wharfinger Building.  Men rose to their feet, and women tooIt was time for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Bryan Little & Terri Vroman-Little from Redwood Coast Montessori Charter School

Fealty to the nation secured, a prayer was offered up.

Student guests come, student guests go, so who can say if any bright eyed youth were really in attendance? The corporeal form is merely a vessel for the soul, and consciousness is but a brief flame amongst the stars.

Was there gambling? A raffle for the science fair? Who can say? Is $10 reward really a win, or just an acknowledgement of ongoing support for the community’s youth?

Celebrating World Rotaract Week

World Rotaract Week was definitely this week, and those bright, future Rotarians, aged 18-30, are our hope for a brighter tomorrow. If enough of them join our club, the price for lunch can also possibly drop due to bulk discounts.

FUN FACT: The earliest known predecessors to Rotaract, Twenty-Thirty clubs, were first sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sacramento, CA. The clubs were based on the principles and goals of their sponsoring Rotary clubs, and membership was open to young professionals and university students. The first meeting of a Twenty-Thirty club was held on 19 December 1922. At one point, the movement claimed as many as 125 clubs under the sponsorship of CA Rotary clubs.  

We love our local Rotaract Club!

Were members of the Lost Coast Rotaract club in attendance, speaking earnestly on their projects to better humanity? It’s certainly possible, perhaps even likely. If they were indeed there, speaking on their good deeds, surely they were thanked, and signed a book that we will donate to the library.

And yeah, verily, the meeting most likely shuffled off, stage left, and almost certainly finished on time, to the ancient refrain of a bell, struck by a gavel.

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