Mar 3, 2014

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
March 3, 2014

Lunch Menu: Salad bar, chicken fried steak, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed vegetables, rolls, dessert.

Called to order by President Ziggy at 12:30pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bruce Emad.  The Invocation was led by Matt Messner.

Visiting Rotarians

Guests of Rotarians
Steve Jackson introduced Rick Priolo from Senior’s Today Magazine. Fred Van Vleck introduced Tracie Kern, Principal of Grant Elementary School and Angela Shull, Principal of Lafayette Elementary. Gregg Gardiner brought Tom Newhouse, General Manager of Lost Coast Communications.

Student Guests
Eric Bergel introduced Laura, President and Kendall Vice President of the Eureka High School Interact Club.

Ziggy said an email regarding District Assembly was recently sent out. He will be talking more about it at future meetings.

Gregg Gardiner announced that Interact has signed up to scan the Burl Newsletter which dates back to the 1930’s, These scans will be posted on the club web site so we can access the history of our club. Gregg then asked everybody with a birthday in July to stand up. He announced that the way program speakers are selected will be changing in July. Each month one person will be a chairman of the committee. In July, Lisa Slack will be that chairperson. Each month these committees will select six great programs so that if 2 don’t work we still end up with the four we need. Upcoming speakers will be listed on our web site.

John Bartholomew said that the Board of Supervisors asked him to invite everybody to the Interactive Community Budget Meeting. There will be 5 locations in Humboldt County. Eureka’s will be on Thursday from 6 – 8pm at the Humboldt Office of Education Annex Building.

Ziggy gave Steve Allen his blue badge amidst applause from the crowd.


Pat Folkins awarded Ted Loring with his THIRD Paul Harris and a 2 stone pin to commemorate it. The crowd gave a standing ovation and enthusiastic applause.

Ziggy gave Stacy Lane her official Board of Directors pin. And Stacy announced that everyone was invited to a dinner Monday Night at the Sea Grill with Joan Firkins from the Rotary Foundation. She will be our guest speaker at next Monday’s meeting as well as hosting a 2pm meeting with the President and Board of Directors that afternoon. Call Stacy if you would like to attend.

Carol Rische talked about the small grants program. There were 12 requests for funding during this last quarter. She said this was the most requests received in the past four years. Two of the three final choices were here to receive their checks. Principal of Lafayette, Angela, and Trish, a Library Technician, received $1,300 to go towards upgrading their VHS library to CDs.

Tracie Kern from Grant Elementary received $1,000 to buy computers for Grant Elementary.

Dick Storre received his t-shirt and a thank you from Ziggy for being a hero by volunteering his time as a member of the Eureka Volunteer Patrol Officers.

Raffle: $10 to: Tracie Kern & $10 to: Dave Dillon

Guest Speaker

Matthew Owen introduced Jenny Bowen from the Humboldt County Office of Education. Jenny talked to us about the Decade of Difference.

The Decade of Difference is a ten-year community initiative that is preparing local youth to be contributing and productive members of our society. 95% of the schools in Humboldt County are enrolled in this initiative.

Today 20% of our youth don’t graduate high school. This is a little higher than the State percent but still not good. Jenny had 20% of the room stand up to illustrate how many people this actually affects.

A few years ago we had 27,000 youth in our community and we now have 18,000. Employers are having a hard time finding skilled employees to fill certain jobs. The marijuana industry also contributes to this problem as it lures youth with the promise of high income without the demand of a lot of education or training.

The program has 3 main goals.

-100% of 4th graders will reach grade level mastery in reading and math.

-95% of entering high school freshmen will graduate with a high school diploma.

-90% of high school graduates will continue their education and enroll in a post-secondary educational program.

Jenny went on to say that today’s world requires that students receive additional education beyond high school to be successful whether that be college or vocational training.

The Decade of Difference is partnering with individuals and various businesses in the community interested in volunteering time assisting students to read, mentoring students or providing field trips, etc. Contact Jenny Bowen at 441-4552 or for more information.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Alicia Cox

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