Jan 25, 2016

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
January 25, 2016

Lunch Menu: Salad bar, turkey rolls, mashed potatoes, gravy, noodles, beef stroganoff, rolls, dessert.

Called to order by President Jay Bahner at 12:30pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by John McBeth. The Invocation was led by Craig Hansen.


GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Jay introduced our guest speaker, Jon Sapper with the Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE).

BIRTHDAYS: Chris Freeman, Glenn Goldan, Corky Cornwell, Hank Pierson’s wife- Cathy Pierson, Jeff Leonard’s wife- Michelle.

ANNIVERSARIES: Dennis and Karen Hunter-32 years, Jesse and Roop Klair.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Jay announced a vote for Rotary Club of Eureka President in 2017-2018…  There was only one person running and it was a unanimous, resounding, yes vote from all present.  Bruce Smith will be our president following Matthew Owen in 2016-2017.

Matthew Owen reminded us that our annual fundraiser will be February 20th.  It will be held at the Sequoia Conference Center. Invitations will go out next week.  Tickets are $150 for 2 people. The dinner will be buffet. You must be present to win or have a proxy selected prior to the dinner. Prizes are needed.

 President Jay said there will be an important board meeting tomorrow at noon at the Ingomar.  All Board Members need to attend if possible. Neal Carnum announced that the Rotary Club of Eureka will be holding a joint fundraiser with Mad River Rotary on April 16th.  The money will go to help the village in Nepal.  It will be a dinner/auction and Carol Rische and Bruce Rupp are also on the committee.  They will be contacting Rotarians about donations of prizes.

RECOGNITIONS: Matthew Owen just returned from Hawaii and he got to spin the wheel… end result $100 to Backpacks for Kids.

President Jay said that Tom Schallert has been taking up a lot of his time lately because he’s been in the paper so much.  Somehow this conversation segued into a discussion of the new chamber board members- Paula Patton, Jaison Chan and Chamber Executive Director, Don Smullin.  All were asked to stand but no fines were given in recognition of their outstanding service.

Jack Macdonald, however, was not so lucky.  In recognition of Jack’s recent Chamber Lifetime Achievement Award, he appointed head of the cartel, Ken Stoddard.

SPENGLER-HOWARD RAFFLE: Rotary World Ink Pen: Ziggy & $10: Neal Carnam. Linda Wise drew a card for a pot of $540 and WON!  Congrats to Linda!

SPEAKER INTRODUCTION BY: Matthew Owen.  Jon Sapper is the Assistant Superintendent at HCOE.  He was born and raised in Humboldt County, sits on the board of the McLean Foundation, SHN Engineering and is a Past President of the Fortuna Sunrise Rotary Club.

Jon talked about ACES – Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Jon said that 5 or 6 years ago he and Dr. Garry Eagles became concerned and puzzled by changes they were seeing in the kids coming to school.  They were seeing a lot of behavior issues, highly dysfunctional families, etc. Then they found out about a study that was done last year in San Francisco.  Dr. Nadine Burke Harris headed up the study.  Jon showed us a 14 minute video:  https://www.ted.com/talks/nadine_burke_harris_how_childhood_trauma_affects_health_across_a_lifetime?language=en.

Basically, childhood trauma affects kids throughout their life.  For people with a significant bout of abuse it can affect the development of the brain and cause lifelong health issues.   Jon said in Humboldt County, 70% of families experience 1 or more serious types of abuses and 30% experience four or more.  Statistically in the State of California that number is 12% of families that experience four or more. Humboldt County ranks as the top county in California.  Locally many kids have a diagnosis of needing special education- (19.3%) compared to Los Angeles with 11%.  Jon feels many kids are receiving a diagnosis that stems from abuse related issues.  The single most significant resiliency factor that can help kids recover is the presence in their life of a significant adult that can mentor them.  HCOE is putting together teams of health care workers/ counselors etc. to address these issues.  Quick intervention with kids showing behaviors and education at the family level are vital. 


Respectfully submitted, Alicia Cox

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