May 9, 2016

Meeting of the Rotary Club of Eureka
May 9, 2016

Lunch Menu: salad bar, fried chicken, raviolis, mashed potatoes, gravy, mixed vegetables, garlic bread.

Called to order by President Jay Bahner at 12:30pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alicia Cox and Dale Warmuth.   The Invocation was led by Craig Hansen.

VISITING ROTARIANS: Jose from North Coast Rotaract, Allesandro – Arcata Sunrise Italy exchange student. Also from Arcata Sunrise, AJ and Romie.

GUESTS OF ROTARIANS:   Bert Campton introduced Carly Robbins from Food for People, Pete Vallerga introduced his wife, Carlotta.

BIRTHDAYS:  Alicia Cox- today, Dale Warmuth- Wednesday, Steve Jackson- 14th, Carlton Nielsen- 15th

ANNIVERSARIES: Greg and Brigette Seiler- May 12th, Steve and Shelly Jackson- May 9th, Lane and Susan Strope- May 15th. Rotary anniversary: Fred Van Vleck – 13 years (3 years with Rotary Club of Eureka)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Jay announced that he has 5 meetings left amidst enthusiastic clapping.

Kim Bauriedel is hosting a Russian Student in July as part of her university program.  Some local businesses have volunteered to act as mentors to her but anybody that is having a fourth of July picnic, going to a movie, taking a rafting trip, etc. in July please contact Kim and invite her to join you. Kim also said that Oolan Oodah in Russia is looking for volunteers for 2 weeks in July and 2 weeks in August to work together on creating a handicapped accessible park.  Please see Kim for details.

Kim noted that Rotarian Walt Shimasaki has resigned from the club for health reasons.  He is the 2nd longest serving member of our club at 56 years.  He was Past President from 1982-1983.  He was born December 25, 1929.  In 1942 during World War II because he was of Japanese descent Walt and his family were relocated to a camp in Jerome Arkansas and later relocated to Tule, Utah. He was released after the war and attended the University of San Francisco Dental School.  He was drafted during the Korean War by the US army and sent to Germany where they he was given additional training to become an oral surgeon.  After the war he married his wife Jean and they had 3 children. They moved to Humboldt County in 1959 and he began his practice as an oral dental surgeon.  Kim drafted a letter thanking Walt for his many years of service.  All Past Presidents were asked to come up after the meeting and sign the letter.

Alessandro Sarris, Arcata Sunrise exchange student from Italy, invited all Rotarians to buy tickets to a fundraiser dinner he is making to help fund his Western Safari Trip.  You can also donate at Alessandro Sarris Go Fund Me page.

Pat Folkins read a cute letter from a 3rd grade class that received Dictionaries from the club. It turned out that the teacher of the class was the sister of Lane Strope.  Pat commended Matt Murrish for organizing the dictionary project this year and thanked Dale Warmuth, Steve, Carlton, Bruce (and Pat) for their help in delivering the dictionaries.

Jay said the Boys and Girls Club project has met with some delays but he is determined to continue to work on this past the ending of his term to see it through.

He reminded the club that Saturday the Madaket will leave at 10:45am with five Rotarians from India. He invited club members to join the group.  Lunch at the Indian restaurant across from McDonalds in downtown Eureka is being funded by Jesse.

Jay attended the District Conference in Napa over the weekend and Carlton Nielsen is now the chair of the entire youth program for District 5130 (70+ kids). His commitment is for 3 years- 2016-2019.  Past District Governor Dave Dillon received part of the “blame” for the appointment as he founded the program in the 1970’s. Carlton donated $200 to the Foundation and another $200 on behalf of Dave Dillon. 

Carly Robbins noted that Food for People’s Backpacks for Kids program is launching their annual fundraising program for next year…. Please purchase a square in the full-page ad the Times-Standard is donating for the project- see Carly to sign up. 

Matthew Owen said that the City of Eureka and Gregg Sparks is organizing a clean up event on Saturday, May 14th. This is not a Rotary event.  Volunteers should meet at 11am behind Shamus T. Bones. Linda Wise said that Recology will provide grabbers, shovels, and rakes.  Bring gloves.

SPENGLER-HOWARD RAFFLE: Sean McLaughlin won $10. Our guest from Arcata Sunrise drew a card for a pot of $250 and won the consolation prize of a Rotary paperweight.

GUEST SPEAKER: Lorey Keele - Director, RCAA Community Outreach Program including Mac (Multiple Assistance Center). The Community Outreach program at RCAA was originally founded in the 1960’s as a result of the Federal Government’s was on poverty.  They are one of the largest non-profits in northern California and serve Humboldt, Del Norte and Modoc Counties.  The MAC facility has gone through many changes today serving homeless, mentally ill and high risk clients.  Their max capacity is a total of 40 males, females and couples.  It’s meant to provide short term emergency housing for 30 to 90 days.  It’s basically a lockdown facility like a jail.  More than 60% are over the age of 45 and 76% suffer from mental illnesses, 1/3 are drug and alcohol addicted. The vast majority are long term Eureka residents, not out of the area transplants.  Many end up employed.  In January of 2016 they were given a contract to re-open their homes for families (total of 52 beds) and today have reached capacity on those homes.


Respectfully submitted, Alicia Cox

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