May 23, 2018

May 21, 2018

Menu:  Your choice of fried chicken or beef hash; mashed potatoes and salad bar.  Bruce Smith presided. Mike Cunningham led us in the invocation.   Matt Murrish announced that there is still time to get in on the dictionary deliveries to third graders.  President Bruce said the last social gathering of the year last Friday was well attended.  Don Leonard brought up a special guest from the Senior Resource Center to accept an $8,500 check for  Rotary to be used by Redwood Coast PACE.

Our speaker was Michael David-Reed, Assistant Superintendent at Eureka High.  He is participating in an Ultra Bike marathon to raise money for programs to teach volunteers how to help children who have trouble reading. He starts in California and ends up in Maryland twelve days later. He has a support team of 10 people who relay him food and water.  He will ride 18-20 hours a day, getting 2 ½ hours of sleep.   Temperatures will range from 30 degrees to 120 degrees.  David -Reed is Welsh, so his team is called Red Dragon.  Less than 50% of riders finish the race. He said “you are never to old to do something extraordinary, and you are all capable..

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